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Inner Life Of The Cell Animation


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I just found this amazing video from Harvard University. It is amazing for 2 reasons: the graphic are pretty good and everything you see in this video are actually real mechanisms that happen in the cell! I'm impressed, a must see:




sorry if this is an old video :unsure:

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Not too old, was on Digg about a week ago.


It's an amazing video. Yes, it's all going on inside a single cell, and surprisingly, it's what things inside actually look like. The only creativeness that was added to it would be all the empty space. They added that so that everything wouldn't looked "smooshed" together. Other than that, it's all realistic.


Now just imagine all those processes in that single cell occurring all over your body TRILLIONS of times over :ph34r:

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Looks cool... It would've been nice if they told us what we were looking at :P


All I recognized was

Blood Vessels


Rna replication


Red/White blood cells...


I was still going "cool.... so what is it?" 75% of the time :(

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Looks cool... It would've been nice if they told us what we were looking at :P


All I recognized was

Blood Vessels


Rna replication


Red/White blood cells...


I was still going "cool.... so what is it?" 75% of the time :(


The bacteria you see is a mitochondria. You can also see part of the cytoskeleton (actin and microtubules), the "walking" protein is the kinesin and you can also see the pair of centrioles. The RNA translation by the ribosome is well done too.

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