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The $100 Laptop. What Went Wrong?


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I don't anyone is really expecting it to be a cure all for anything, and if they are then I think they've got the wrong end of the proverbial stick.


Read the mission statement if you haven't already (which I'm sure some of you have :) )... I think some people have a slightly distorted idea of the people the idea is targeted at.


"The laptops will be sold to governments and issued to children by schools on a basis of "one laptop per child." Initial discussions have been held with China, India, Brazil, Argentina, Egypt, Nigeria, and Thailand"

Edited by jammin

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KB thats a bit far, if things keep going as they are with the food they can enjoy with $100 then well the saga continues, newer commercials of the same crap, they will still lack the real essential of life, its time to think different, think out of that box then burn it.

Edited by Enyce2k9

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Could you define the "real essential of life" for me? If you think it's education and learning, you're close but far from the cigar.


Those commercials aren't crap. If anything, they don't do enough to capture the gravity of some issues. If you honestly think that we should stop putting money into providing aid before education, then I can't post what I think of that idea.

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1. The goverments in these countries are so corrupt i doubt half the laptops will make it anywhere usefull


2. the laptops are more than likely to go to areas of these countries that already have schools in place but need computers to help with further education (not mud huts)


3. The areas decribed as areas with mud huts probably are getting aid from the red cross etc to pay towards fresh water


And why dont they build the factory in one of these countrys to build these things thus giving people cheap laptops employings hundreds of locals plus keeping overhead costs down < not likely though

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