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Yummy, Smoke From My Psu

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Okie dokie...


Just 10 minutes ago, i was sitting at my computer and i smelled this really strange smell. I figured my mom was burning inscence or something so i just ignored it.


2 minutes later, boom. computer turns off. I didnt try to turn it back on, there was no use. Why not? you might ask.. well, i looked up at my computer (i always have the side off) and i saw that there was smoke billowing from my power supply. Yipee, another problem to deal with.


So, power supply is blown, ive gotten past that.. But is the rest of the computer?




400w power supply that came with my case (yeah i know, thats a no no..)

xfx motherboard that is no longer supported by xfx

athlon xp 3000+ cpu (i kick it old school)

agp 5500 video card

2 120gb hdds.



I havent got an opportunity to test another psu in there yet, because, well, i dont have one just laying around.


I will go and buy one later today, probably, but is it worth it? like, is my entire system screwed or what?

If it is, what can be salvaged? ram? video card? hard drives? anything?




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I will go and buy one later today, probably, but is it worth it? like, is my entire system screwed or what?

If it is, what can be salvaged? ram? video card? hard drives? anything?



I've had that happen before and everything was fine. All you can do is get a new ps and try it.

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Woot, another vote for the [i bought a crappy PSU and look what happened] thread!


Generally, the rest of your system should be ok when the PSU cuts out, but generally, PSUs don't die with smoke "billowing" out, so you never know. Something that bad could cause a short on the board and maybe even other parts. Chances are that you're fine, but there's only one way to find out.

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well i can only hope. lol..


When i go to buy a new one, what exactly do i have to look for. Im going to need at least 400w, but is there any other details i need to look for to make sure it works with my computer? Its been a while since i built it, hah..


Good to have some reassurance that all of my ayumi hamasaki music isnt gone ^_^


edit for verran: hah, well maybe i exagerated the "Billowing" part.. maybe more of a flowing, although it wasnt that thick, it was rather thin smoke, know what i mean?

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When i go to buy a new one, what exactly do i have to look for. Im going to need at least 400w, but is there any other details i need to look for to make sure it works with my computer? Its been a while since i built it, hah..

You should consider:


total wattage

amps on each rail

number of 12v rails


read reviews to see if it's stable (for example, don't buy an x-connect lol)

number and kind of connectors (molex, 20 pin or 24 pin, etc)

Edited by Celcius

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i dont overclock :P



You asked what factors to consider for a quality PSU. He answered your question about as directly as possible. What more do you want?


Overclocking has nothing to do with it. A quality PSU is a quality PSU whether you overclock or not. Overclocking just means you need to be even more picky.

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I don't know how people here feel about Tom's Hardware but you can probably find some pretty good PS reviews here. Any power supply from a decent brand would probably be ok if you aren't planning to overclock. It's the 20 dollar power supplies or the ones that come with a cases that usually cause problems.

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If you want something that just works I'd probably just pick up a cheap (in comparison to most quality PSUs) FSP PSU


For your system 400w should be ample.


And yes I may actually get time this weekend to update the Recommended PSUs list as I'm embarrassed that it's still in such a sorry state.

Edited by jammin

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