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Warning! Opteron Prices Rising On The 23rd!

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was about time AMD realised that their CPUs pwn that much ^^

no, but that totally sucks, if I had the money, I would buy one tonight, right NOW! but I just bought my rig like 2 months ago, and the 3700+ is a great prozzi! (working on those 3 GHz :thumbs-up: )


like my 3Ghz :P


the 3700+ and the 148 are virtutally identicle sans the opty better and newer micro code. that why the 148's oc better


the opty 148 is identical to teh 3700+ same core dirrent micro code, and a diffrent stamp on the IHS.

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Ya I got my opty 165 about 2-3 weeks ago and I love it!!


Habital Geek , whats your stepping ??


Well also the Fx Chips are dropping but what doesnt make since is that the Fx-55 and 57 will both be $811 ....


oh yeah, forgot to add to my sig




apparrently it's a really good one


my 150 was a CABGE, it did 2.8Ghz, which isn't so bad, but i ordered that one from the egg, this time i drove to Monarch Computers and had them let me look at the one they had before i would buy it :)

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