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F@h Farm! Yay!


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Well, as I result of re-joing the forums, I have a renewed intrest in Folding.


I'm slowly adding my workplace PCs to Folding. So far, only a few have returned WU's, but it looks like about 37 PCs are going to be added here.


These are the basic specs:

4 PIII @ 500MHz, 2-128MB, 1-192MB, 1-256MB

3 PIII @ 550MHz, 1-128MB, 1-192MB, 1-256MB

2 PIII @ 600MHz, 1-128MB, 1-256MB

3 PIII @ 650MHz, 1-160MB, 1-192MB, 1-384MB

1 PIII @ 733MHz, 1-128MB

2 PIII @ 800MHz, 2-128

3 PIII @ 1GHz, 2-128MB, 1-256MB

1 PIII @ 1.1GHz, 1-128MB

3 PIII @ 1.2GHz, 1-128MB, 2-256-MB

4 PIV @ 2.0GHz, 3-128MB, 1-256MB

2 PIV @ 2.2GHz, 1-192MB, 1-256MB

1 PIV @ 2.3GHz, 1-256MB

6 PIV @ 2.4GHz, 3-256MB, 3-512MB

1 PIV @ 3.0GHz, 1GB

1 AXP @ 2500+, 1-512MB


Only a few of the them will be on for more then 8 hours a day, but still, it counts I think!


We need to put another kick back into this team! Let's go OCC!

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Hey now ijagwalaafq, it's completely legal. I have the blessing of 2/3 of the IT dept., and the other 1/3 doesn't know about it - and never will. :D


Only 10 or so are up and running Folding now, but I'm working on increasing that number. Only 3 returned WUs so far, but that will go up soon too I bet!

Edited by DevilMB3017

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its good to see that people are still joining the folding team nice going Devil, looking forward to seeing you moving up the ranks shouldnt take to long with 25 machines total so far, once they start turning in those units you should see you points steady out

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its good to see that people are still joining the folding team nice going Devil, looking forward to seeing you moving up the ranks shouldnt take to long with 25 machines total so far, once they start turning in those units you should see you points steady out



Yeah, I used to be on the team, but then when I wasn't on the boards, I kinda just lost track of it, and such. But I'll glad to be back, and stronger then ever.


How many frames/steps are most units this days? I've seen some that 400 and some that are 100, and some times they take 10 minutes to an hour per step/frame whatever. I'm not used to this new F@H WUs... lol

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the 400s would be tinkers they take quite a while but worth about 600pts each and the 100s are gromacs they vary in points


also if you put the folding signature image in your sig the scriptis not working at the moment just to let you know, Everybodys points are incorrect in there signatures by quite a lot in some cases

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Man you make me want to fold now :) I have the 2.8P4 folding upstairs now, this machine will do so at nights.


Thats a beastly farm you have there, makes me want to use the school computers for something useful.

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