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Is This Worth Watching?


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you may find it interesting if you like seeing these skeptics argue their point of veiw....watched it and almost wanted to punch the guy that made it.....im not very good when it comes to listening to skeptics...ticks me off that they cant accept what happens and have to make stuff up bout it... but i knew this was gonna happen....any major event and there will be skeptics....im spite of unspeakable scientific fact, they stand their ground, and stand by their theory.... just like the moon landing..


so if you like other peoples point of veiw on events, and like listening to their skeptisisms...then be my guest


and one thing i would like to point out...when they say there were "planes over head when the "passenger plane" crashed....ye sthey may have been...there wasnt any when the world trade centers collapased but the other attacks can came after....couldn't have military aircraft been scrambled into the air(after the world trade center attacks) to divert, or distroy these planes if they were making un planed routes, and could not make verbale contact with the air craft?


srry i couldn't help my self there...just gets my blood boiling when these people are do dogged that they cant see what is fact, and what is just a bunch of rubbish.

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Allright....I respect these peoples' opinions, but this is utter bull$@. I watched about half of it, then decided to stop watching it for sanity's sake. I really got a kick out of the theory that missiles were fired out of the front of the airplanes. That was classic. Here's my question: When you have 767's carrying 10,000 gallons of jet fuel, weighing 390,000 lbs, travelling at 400mph into a building, WHY would they need to launch a missile to make anymore damage than would already be caused by a plane hitting a stationary structure with 31,470 Ns of force and 10,000 gallons of highly explosive jet fuel burning at almost 1832 degrees Fahrenheit...??


These people disgust me. Let me guess, this kid is also against the war in Iraq, right? Let me take another guess, he is also against Bush, isn't he? Let me guess again, he is probably considering moving to Canada, huh? These are the easiest people to categorize. Forgive me for being closed-minded and predjudice, but that kid is just a liberal out to try and prove that the Bush administration blew up the WTC towers just so he could have an excuse to get rich, steal oil, kill women and children, and violate civil liberties. The ignorance behind this is appauling. Why do so many people have to grasp at straws to back their stories when all they have to do is open a dang history book to see the real story behind what's going on?


To answer your question: No, it's not worth watching :)

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