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Opteron 148 Vs Opteron 165?

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Well right now I have an opteron 148 and although I just built this rig new, I'm going to redesign it air cooled instead. I've always wanted to do a crazy air rig. Anyways, I was also thinking about moving to a dual core opteron. What would the performance be like with a 165 dual core compared to the 148? Let's say the 148 is running at 3 gigs and the dual core, 1.8 gigs stock is running at 2.5 gigs. Would the performance increase of the 165 be worth the extra 100 dollars compared to a 148?

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you're asking how a dual-core cpu compares to a single-core... guess what the answer is?


the 165 at that speed would be better in multi-core/cpu apps/games and the 148 would be better in single-core/cpu apps/games


so it depends what you use... i think you'd notice more of a performance difference with the dual-core just because you wouldn't get the usual performance hit during a dvd-encode/virus-scan/etc...


since september i've gone: 3500+ -> 146 -> 146 -> 148 -> 170


the 170 is still waiting to be unleashed :D

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i'm leaning more towards the dual core route myself....just because wquite often im running one program and want to open another or do something else on the side....it happens. youre really multi-tasking more than you think. (i just wish they could invent the dual line internet connection so i could play an online-game and not have to close out my torrents) just take a moment and at any igven time look at what you have open and see whats dependant on the cpu and whats dependant on the internet....could be both...and thats enough to go dual core for me :)....how long are you gonna keep it? and whats comming down the road to utilize that dual core 64-bit goodness?...prolly alot of stuff.


now what im dealing with is....should i go with the 170 and some 300+ capable memory...or keep my possibly 250mhz. memory and get a higher multiple version....like the 180 or something? or wait for the M2 socket and DDR2?.....*shrug*....i got the socket-A right when 754 was big and its lasted nicely for about 2 years now...well see.


overall i think your needs would be NICELY served with the 170 and for a long time, save up just a little bit more and go with that....

Edited by robAP

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