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Any New Cards From Nvidia Or Ati Coming Soon?

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I am gonna start saving up for some upgrades, and wanted to know if nVidia or ATi are releasing anything soon (now to about 6 months from now), or if the top dogs will still be the X1800's/7800's and X850's/6800GT or Ultra's.

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Guest Raven65

I heard something about a G71 or something.


Edit: thanks habitual. I guess we were reading and replying at the same time.

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Keep in mind these are just going to be paper-releases that are coming out within the next months (if that even)...so don't get your hopes up. Personally I say to hell with it all and I'll just buy the card with the best price/performance ratio that is out at the time.

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I'm sure they'll cost an arm and a leg too :/


Which one do you think will be better? I read the G71 article and it seemed like the ATi X1900 is better... although I don't know if they're biased to ATi or not.



i dunno, it looks like ATI and NV are getting further apart architecturally, of course this is only based on the latest "rumors"



32 pixel pipelines

16 shader units

700+Mhz core, and one would have to speculate at least 1600-1800Mhz memory speed



16 pixel pipelines

48 shader units

695Mhz core, 1550 memory


it looks like one will be better than the other in one or two games, but worse in the others, looking at what's been so far.....


7800GTX 512 which was a 24 pipe 8 VS GPU at 550Mhz core 1800Mhz memory



x1800xt 512 which was a 16 pipe 8 VS GPU at 625Mhz core 1500Mhz memory



and considering it took two x1800xt's in Crossfire just very recently to even compete with the single 7800GTX 512........


i dont see where the simple addition of all those shader units is going to make a monumental leap forward except in a couple of games, i think this is going to be another speed bump round just to fill the gap until the DX10/WGF1.0 SM4.0 cards are ready, i mean, with the x1900xtx there doesn't appear to be any real core speed increase to speak of, memory speed isn't getting any better really, the only difference being the shader units, up against the much faster core speed of the G71 with another additional 8 pipelines and the already higher memory speeds......


i think ATI will be behind until the next gen G80/R600 cards come out, maybe then we will see a turnaround


it's all happeneing so fast i really dont expect a major jump on either side, just a stop gap until the next big thing


a couple of interesting threads i have been glancing at





Edited by habitual geek

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X800GTO2 flashed to X850 XT PE it is then. $200, great deal. If the G80/R600's are really the ., then I'll switch. But the only games I'll probably be playing will be BF2, UT2k7, and CS:S.




lol, i hear ya


but if it was me, and i was gonna spend at least $200, i would try to spend a bit more and at least get something current gen....seeing as current gen is already gonna be old in a month, that last gen ATI card will be no less than 2 generations behind in less than a month in more ways than one

Edited by habitual geek

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