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Worst Benchmark Thread


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inspired by this thread,


i decided to make a worst benchmark thread, to show off the worst benches you have ever seen.

rule 1: the machine has to be trying to do a good job. no prime95/folding/compressing video/screensavering all at the same time as super pi benching or anything.

rule 2: for full bragging rights, it has to be your machine. partial bragging rights for others.


here is mine

on a cyrix gx 150 mhz, 24mb EDO RAM, win 95

super pi times


16 sec - 16k

34 sec - 32k

1 min 14 sec - 64k

2 min 49 sec - 128k

6 min 14 sec - 256k

13 min 36 sec - 512k

29 min 44 sec - 1M :D:D:D:D:D:D


id post the screenie but i got no way of getting it onto this computer at the moment. sorry

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i pwned you all in 3d mark 2001 :D:D:D I guess 2mbs of vga ram is enough :P


Specs on comp tested

Intel Celeron 600 mhz

64 megs of ram

Trident AGP vga


Screenie coming up shortly... computer crashed when i tried taking a screenshot :P:P

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