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Our "justice" System (rant)


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So... I saw a video on SpikedHumor about a guy who got 60 years in jail for assaulting a police officer+resisting arrest. Yet some murderers get 15 years? WTF? Why not give them all 60 years? Or better yet, instead of wasting money on keeping them alive in jail cells, just take them out back and blast their heads off with a .50? It's way cheaper. That "Tookie" Williams guy? If all evidence pointed to him having done the killings, why sentence him to death and kill him TWENTY YEARS LATER? Why not just put him under house arrest and then kill him in twenty years, instead of wasting tax money? Oh right, it's "inhumane" even when all the evidence points that the person did it.


Humane punishment is for people who are humane, or people who are mentally instable. Not for sick killers or people who beat up female cops who can't fight back. If the woman had shot the guy, he'd yell "POLICE BRUTALITY OMG". Unless she shot him in the head like the guy deserved. What's even more sickening is that he did this infront of his terrified daughter, and said "Baby I can't get arrested". Sickening. Had his daughter not been in the vehicle, I would've sent an Apache or Cobra to blow his car up.

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i agree, the whole system is going soft, and i personaly do not agree with the light punishments that some crimanals are getting.


by the way... i forgot to follow up on this tookie williams guy...was he exicuted like he should have been in the beggining?


EDIT: i belive there was already a thread like this....cant find it at the moment im kinda busy...

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one of my friends got sentenced to 30 years of federal prison for making around $160k in computer hacking. i wont go into details, but his court hearing was 3 days ago, he got slammed. 30 years, sooner if good behavior. and this isnt regular prison. its federal prison. when i went to visit him, i told him to cork himself :/

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yeah what happens if you killed somone than they just were like yep shoot him in the head. but really you didnt mean too, things happen we cant avoid thats the point of jail, a second chance.

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If we are ever to be punished for our thoughts, I would have been on 10 consecutive life sentences.


Just saying. It will happen one day. Criminal thoughts.

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Just saying.  It will happen one day.  Criminal thoughts.



Naa, we already saw what happens when you institute a system like that. Sure, we get really cool Lexuses and jetpacks, but then we have to deal with these crazy psychics submerged in some liquid. Of course, you can't forget about Tom Cruise.....

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