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What Makes A Man A Real Man?


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Hmm.. Well if I were in the same shoes, I'd probably show the father in law pictures of what his daughter and I do in our free time. Let him hit me. And then use that against him for the rest of his life lol. JK


Seriously though, thats an example of being a somewhat civilized person, not necessarily a "man". There are real challenges to becoming a man which you may or may not experience as you grow old. Like having to choose the well being of your family over a "cushy" job that only takes 40 hours a week. Or buying the minivan instead of the sports car. Or taking care of the children that you create instead of tucking tail and running. Or taking responsibility for ones actions? Or knowing when you're going to say something that will hurt someone in revenge and instead biting your tongue. And a big one, being able to tell someone something that you know will hurt them, if it benefits them in a greater way.


A real man wouldnt put himself into a situation that needed violence. My father in law tried to get into a fight with me once. For marrying his daughter lol. I just walked out of his house, it didnt make me feel any weaker. But to go as far as to hold him in a corner? Just because you dont punch doesnt mean you're not displaying violence.



In this day and age everyone lives or has lived in a dysfunctional family. I believe part of being a man is not whining about that or using it as an excuse to act ignorant. What doesnt kill you makes you stronger right?

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Hey, you guys see the Family Guy episode with the church of the "Fonz"?


I'm going to start "The Church of AMD"


It will be open to all who believe AMD is the way to computer heaven and will dang (Used as a verb) all Intel non-believers. (hehehe) So what if they were around first. Oh wait, that sounds like modern religion doesnt it? Crap, and I didnt even mean that. Oh well, makes a funny analogy. And just think of the tax breaks I'll get?

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Hmm.. Well if I were in the same shoes, I'd probably show the father in law pictures of what his daughter and I do in our free time. Let him hit me. And then use that against him for the rest of his life lol. JK


Seriously though, thats an example of being a somewhat civilized person, not necessarily a "man". There are real challenges to becoming a man which you may or may not experience as you grow old. Like having to choose the well being of your family over a "cushy" job that only takes 40 hours a week. Or buying the minivan instead of the sports car. Or taking care of the children that you create instead of tucking tail and running. Or taking responsibility for ones actions?  Or knowing when you're going to say something that will hurt someone in revenge and instead biting your tongue. And a big one, being able to tell someone something that you know will hurt them, if it benefits them in a greater way.


A real man wouldnt put himself into a situation that needed violence. My father in law tried to get into a fight with me once. For marrying his daughter lol. I just walked out of his house, it didnt make me feel any weaker. But to go as far as to hold him in a corner? Just because you dont punch doesnt mean you're not displaying violence.

In this day and age everyone lives or has lived in a dysfunctional family. I believe part of being a man is not whining about that or using it as an excuse to act ignorant. What doesnt kill you makes you stronger right?




that portion of KB's story was actually from me. at the time he knew his daughter and I were dating, but didn't know how serious things had gotten (aka we were living together). but there's so much more to the mess than KB actually explained. makes what happened seem so much more critical in growing up :(


starts off @ 13 meet his daughter. dating @ 14. @ 16 we went out on a date, dropped her off at her dad's house (her parents were divorced, I knew her stepdad very well by this point) for the first time. he apparently told her she should have been home by 10... no exceptions period. well it was 9:55 when we pulled up in the drive way, and 10:01 by the time she got out of the car (we don't need details to explain why). anyhow this rather large burly drunken man comes out the front door of the house screaming at her. @ 16 I was NOT the exactly big enough to scare him or strong enough to mess him up (300+lbs vs 150lbs). he grabbed her by the wrist and started screaming at her, and pushed her towards the house. I got a little pissed (NEVER touch a woman like that... rule #1). she told me not to worry about it and go home. well I didn't see her all weekend, monday she had a black eye. I was livid but again told not to get into it with him. Her step father and I got to talking about this the next week. he was quite upset, but said it wasn't my place to say anything yet. and the learning from him began. he taught me about the martial arts (never telling me the extent of his knowledge until many years later), and how to take care of myself if the need came up. 3 years passed, I got bigger (like 240lbs of solid muscle bigger), and much stronger. also took up Jujitsu and Aikido at the competative levels (took 3rd in the state judo torunament @ 20). and when my wife's grandfather died I wasn't invited by that side of the family (we weren't close if you can guess). at this point my wife and I have talked about marriage and what not, but hadn't gone thru with anything. her grandfather passed away in georgia (which is now the farm land turned into an outdoor recreational park), I made the drive over night from detroit. in the morning everyone was getting up to have breakfast, and there I was... after spending a few hours sleeping on the couch in the livingroom. her father got a little pissy with me, and now seemed like a good time to introduce myself to some more of the family and let him know how I felt about him... stood up, eye to eye with him, plowed him into the corner, pulled back, and stopped. told him this is how a man handles his anger and walked away. till the day he died he never even back handed any of his kids or wifes (which is the reason he was married 3 times). I don't know if it was the fact that he learned or that he lived in fear of me. I really don't care either. that one event set him a little closer to being a man himself. His own mother even had to bring that event up on her death bed. saying that she was glad someone had the nerve to step up and put him in his place. so I guess this was a display of violence that didn't end in bloodshed that was needed to prove a point about being a man... you don't have to beat the snot out of someone to be a man.


and yes I do also sacrifice a ton for that family. working 20 hour work days sometimes, going on the road for work for 6 1/2 months at one point for them. all to make sure everthing they need is taken care of. Kids are 5 and 2, thier college is taken care of... as is the next 2 (if we have anymore past the next one). they're the most important thing in my life, and will always be first in my life.

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KB, where do you live? Where I live we have someone just like you, like literally exactly like you.




Its would be fraking hilarious if it was KB. I would die laughing.

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