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Senior Quote


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well, for my senior quote im planning on putting in a big

"Overclockersclub.com, Folding to the next level DTTL!!"

copyright infringment or free advertising? dont want to violate any rules

Edited by Tirian-64

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you're not making money off of it and you're not defaming it, so it's use is fine. That's brave of you though....to be officially open about your geekdom in writing like that ;). I would probably leave out the overclockersclub.com part if I were you...doesn't really fit for a quote...just have the "folding to the next level" and "DTTL" (though I suggest you consider PTFL instead :P)

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I like overclockersclub.com as much as the next guy. But chances are it won't even be around in 30 years when your kids look at your yearbook.


Don't you want to choose something more profound and meaningful for your quote?

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Well my best guess as to what PTFL means is "Pet The 'fudgenugget' Llamas" ? lol Thats just a guess though. am i close?


i thought it meant "please touch furry llamas" lol  :blink:


You guys are close. It's "Pet The Furry Llamas" because llamas are awesome and shouldn't be feared. They deserve to be touched just as much as we do! And if you saw that awesome "Here's a llama" video, you'd agree!

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why would you put something like that? Kinda stupid...I would put something about your friends or something, for me I put a message to my friends in binary hehe. It was EK, NB good luck with your future or something I forgot hehe, gotta dig up the yearbook...

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