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Intro: Me


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Hello all, my name is golles.

I'm an 17 (allmost 18) year old IT student, 2nd year.

I live in the Netherlands and I want to change my pc alot, that's why I came here.


my hobby is waterpolo, I like to play it but I can't I need to wait till june 2006 coz I'm recovering from a broken neck (yes you do read it correct).

I gonna buy a new case for my pc, and I will do some mods to it soon. I was allready trying they keylock mod but it didn'work perfect for me.


I also have something for the admins/mods:

I really don't understand why you have choosen that people with free based mail can't register. Yes I did sign up with gmail, not directly but I did. some people don't have an e-mail address from an IPS, everyone has a reason for it, mine is that I want to have webmail. I'm on alot of computers, school, home friends and also at training period.

I understand that you don't wan't to get spammers here but if someone want to be here then he will get here with or without his IPS e-mail.

Kind regards and hope to make some friends here!




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Welcome to Occ


Don't touch the Llamas :ph34r: , I swear, if you even get near one...oooo...I don't even wanna think of what Im gonna do. J/k :P


BTW, you might wanna change your avatar, someone here allready uses that one.


Post any questions/projects you may have in the forums, hope to see you there (a lot of people here usually ask whatever 1 question they have and never again become a productive part of Occ <_< )


See ya in the forums :thumbs-up:



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I don't know if I'm gonna change my avantar.

I use it on lots of forums. maybe I'll do when I find a good one :)


I proboly stay here longer then 1 question ;)



Okay....its just that avatars around here serve a higher purpose. People are defined by them, I can instantly recognize everyone in the forums without reading their names, but when 2 people have the same, I can confuse the two, but its all good bro. Im glad you'll be sticking around.

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Welcome to OCC. Don't listen to the others, llamas are great. PTFL!


as for the email situation, as you noted (and as Lo also noted, but failed to realize you noted it first :P ), it's to prevent fake accounts/spam, and I agree many people use webmail accounts, I know I do. BUT everyone also has an IPS account as well, whether they use it or not. So yes, it may be slightly annoying to have to register with an email account you never use, but for an extra 10mins of your time, it's worth it to keep the place "clean." After you set it up you can go to "My Controls" and change your email address. I haven't tried changing it to my webmail account because I have my old college account (the one i used to register) auto-forwarded to my main webmail account, but it doesn't say you can't use a webmail account when changing it, so you can give it a shot. You'll only need it if you allow people to email you thru the board and/or you want notifications for PM's.

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Welcome to OCC.  Don't listen to the others, llamas are great.  PTFL!


as for the email situation, as you noted (and as Lo also noted, but failed to realize you noted it first :P ), it's to prevent fake accounts/spam, and I agree many people use webmail accounts, I know I do.  BUT everyone also has an IPS account as well, whether they use it or not.  So yes, it may be slightly annoying to have to register with an email account you never use, but for an extra 10mins of your time, it's worth it to keep the place "clean."  After you set it up you can go to "My Controls" and change your email address.  I haven't tried changing it to my webmail account because I have my old college account (the one i used to register) auto-forwarded to my main webmail account, but it doesn't say you can't use a webmail account when changing it, so you can give it a shot.  You'll only need it if you allow people to email you thru the board and/or you want notifications for PM's.




Actually, you can't. I just tried and I get the same error message about gmail being a banned account.


Perhaps I will PM a mod or admin about it sometime later... I prefer to have all my forum mail going to one place, leaving my ISP address for personal business.

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Actually, you can't.  I just tried and I get the same error message about gmail being a banned account.


Perhaps I will PM a mod or admin about it sometime later... I prefer to have all my forum mail going to one place, leaving my ISP address for personal business.


you should be able to set up automatic forwarding based on specific email addresses (meaning whatever OCC uses in their PM notifications...i forget what it is). That's a quick workaround at least.

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