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Presets, What's The Use!

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They have been there for quite sometime now, right? Do you use them?

I personally don't use them. Are they useful? How well do they perform? Basically, Give me the "run-down" of these presets. What are they for?I am hoping you know what I'm talking about. If not, hm well...thats a different thread but here's a clue, they can be found under "Performance & Quality Settings".

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I never use them.


EXACTLY..so why do they put them there!! I read somewhere (Maybe here) that using them cases alot of issues when gaming Do you manually set it to your liking or do you have it set to the default all the time?

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EXACTLY..so why do they put them there!! I read somewhere (Maybe here) that using them cases alot of issues when gaming Do you manually set it to your liking or do you have it set to the default all the time?


it is 'preset' as 'best settings' for that game but you can manually change them. After testing, im better wiith my settings, all on max :)

(edit, tested on NFSU2 & Doom3) no difference.

Edited by TRex

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as long as your not using an AutoTune setting it doesnt matter.



Provided that people have nTune Installed.


So if you have one of thise presets selected, do you need to have Vertical Synch enabled? or no...

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I keep it off. All it does is limit your FPS to whatever your vertical refresh rate is.


And, presets are there for people who aren't the most tech savvy. Instead of seeing Anti-aliasing or Anisotropic filtering in a menu of options, they can select "Quality," "Performance," etc.

Edited by Kamikaze_Badger

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I keep it off. All it does is limit your FPS to whatever your vertical refresh rate is.


And, presets are there for people who aren't the most tech savvy. Instead of seeing Anti-aliasing or Anisotropic filtering in a menu of options, they can select "Quality," "Performance," etc.


:withstupid: I always take vertical sync off as it drops your fps. I actually ran a test...I have the results at home. I'll try and remember to post them.


I don't see a way to turn them off. I set the AA and AF manually. Does this override the auto settings?


Set it to "application-controlled." Then it'll go by whatever settings you put in each individual game.

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