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What's Wrong With Me?


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remember if it is a 1911 (any manufacture) just push on the barrel and the gun wont fire....

kb one thing that i do to relieve stress is.... well i just start playing cs:s but that usually pisses me off even more and then... erm i watch some tv but get bored


ultimatly i end up cleaning my paintball gun and readjusting my trigger pull for the 40th time. (i;ve got it so all i have to do is put my finger on it (mmmm 25gram switch))



Smart Parts ion with qev

16" evil pipe kit with ultimate front

Halo TSA backman lcd loader

PMI 68ci 4500psi carbon wraped tank

Dead on short bullet drop with on/off and degas

Dye 04 pants (blue)

Proto 04 jersey (blue)

Proto Switch Thermal gogles (Olive Drab)

32* gloves that are too small for me now (blue) (going to get proto 06 blue glove to replace)




PAINTBALL is so fun, I cant wait to get started again this Spring

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KB I think you just need a way to relieve stress. Work out, do a sport, something. You may have some personal problems, but those aren't my business. The best thing to do is just stay out of the house if that is what makes you so emotional. Another part of your problem is....you're growing up. You have hormones raging that are making you very emotional, snappy, and unstable. It'll be OK, just go with the flow, don't take anything personal or seriously, and keep reminding yourself that the world is not out to get you.


One thing I like to do (other than come to OCC) when the road gets rough, is I like to go outside on a clear night, sit down and just stare at the stars, it's more relaxing that working out, shooting my guns, anything. I am not saying you should take up star gazing, but find a quiet, relaxing hobby of your own and start doing it.


God speed

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Work out


go outside on a clear night, sit down and just stare at the stars, it's more relaxing





Two things I practically follow religiously whenever I feel even slightly less than perky. Back in high school with all the girl crap and growing up issues, I worked out every night for a solid 90 minutes. Did wonders for keeping me from doing something stupid. In college, I cut down on the workout times, but I started going to the beach at night just to stare at the stars for a good hour, most of the time by myself. It's so calming that all of my problems seem trivial.


Another thing that helps put your life in perspective is volunteering at a place that serves those less fortunate than yourself. I volunteered at the Red Cross during the summer. When I saw the type of people that needed help, my social problems seemed so petty next to poverty and hunger.

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Here's my opinion on depression and the like.


I feel that there is no reason to ever be depressed. If you're upset about something that you did wrong, either fix it by doing it right or get over it. If you can't fix it, what's the point in worrying about it? Move on. If you can fix it, quit sulking and get to working on fixing it. Being sad and depressed doesn't get anything done.


Ask yourself "why am i depressed?" If you come up with an answer that has a possible solution, get cracking on solving your problem. If you find your problem is impossible to resolve, either deal with it or get over it. Crying about it definately won't get you problems solved. If you can't answer the question at all, you're being irrational. Grow up and make something of your life rather than sitting around crying about inexistant problems.


When I was 14-16 years old, I would go through episodes of depression. Most of the time it was because of a girl. I loved that girl so much I let her tear me apart. Then I realized, her feelings are beyond my control and I must either move on or change in a way that would win her over. I moved on, thankfully.


We can't answer all your questions. Some things in life are entirely up to you. Ending your life is rarely, if ever the best decision, especially when you've got so much potential.




Some people have something called a "chemical imbalence". Look it up sometime. It might help you be a little more sensitive.

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Here's my opinion on depression and the like.


I feel that there is no reason to ever be depressed. If you're upset about something that you did wrong, either fix it by doing it right or get over it. If you can't fix it, what's the point in worrying about it? Move on. If you can fix it, quit sulking and get to working on fixing it. Being sad and depressed doesn't get anything done.


Ask yourself "why am i depressed?" If you come up with an answer that has a possible solution, get cracking on solving your problem. If you find your problem is impossible to resolve, either deal with it or get over it. Crying about it definately won't get you problems solved. If you can't answer the question at all, you're being irrational. Grow up and make something of your life rather than sitting around crying about inexistant problems.


When I was 14-16 years old, I would go through episodes of depression. Most of the time it was because of a girl. I loved that girl so much I let her tear me apart. Then I realized, her feelings are beyond my control and I must either move on or change in a way that would win her over. I moved on, thankfully.


We can't answer all your questions. Some things in life are entirely up to you. Ending your life is rarely, if ever the best decision, especially when you've got so much potential.



Thing is, there is a difference between depression and DEPRESSION.


-Emo Depression: Whining about nothing, crying over spilt milk, not a disorder, just you being a whiny kid


-Real Depression: An imbalance of chemicals and other scientific things that makes you be unable to control your emotions, it essentially takes control of you and can be very hard to get over without medicines and a therapist who, if anything, just listens to your problems without judgement and helps you get over your problems.

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