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Is It The Memory Controller Or Memory Itself?

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Ok recently I have posted about my computer not being stable and I had thought I had solved to problem by switching out of dual channel to single channel...well guess again...I didn't solve it..I have two sticks of 256mb PC2700 Mushkin 2-2-2-7 and currently set at 2-2-2-8 well I took 1 stick out and did a test and found that it was stable with one stick so I thought I had an issue with these two sticks being run in dual channel. I stick the other in running single channel and well the stability issues came back...I then switched ram slots and put it in the 4th to keep it in single channel and it does not even pick it up...only reads 256mb for memory Now I am to the point where I am thinking it is a memory controller issue (bad mobo) and I just recently purchased my 6800GT from Verran and a 3.2 HT from CoolMaster and am hating the fact that I might have a bad mem controller...Later on tonight to test the 2 sticks I am going to put them in my other rig and do a stability test to see if it holds up...if it just so happens that I need to get a new mobo I am just going to say crap IT! and sell everything and go for pci-E and AMD...I will now have 3 P4 procs to sell, the 6800GT, 512mb mushkin, and the rest of this system...downside is I am without a comp once again for another month or so.....So irritating

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Well this is getting more confusing and more confusing as I go...Right now I have my memory in my other comp and took the 1 stick of 512mb mushkin pc3200 2-3-3-6 and stuck it in mine and well now my modem is not working and so I went to check the device manager and there is nothing!!! Its completly blank...tried a few restarts no go.. So now I am going to test to see if this hd is giving me all these issues...I tell ya what a pain in the rear these comps can be...I am taking all the files that I want saved and putting them on the hd that is currently in use then wipe the ohter one clean and i will swap pins and cableing around to swap primary and secondary and install windows again on the other hd and see what I come up with.....Any other ideas as to why my device manager would go blank???

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