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Hang Up And Drive


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some of these people who use their cells when driving become completly oblivious to their surroundings....


i was goin to my hockey game and theirs this woman talking on her cell phone and shes pulled over to the side of the road, only problem is that there isnt any shoulder on the road shes on, and she backs up traffic for four blocks from where she is, and this is a busy main road... and the sadest part is that she was either to stuckup to move, and didnt care, or she was to preoccupied with her conversation....unbelivable


wheres a cop when u need 1?

Edited by i_lag

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Welp, us reedneeks are just too stoopid to think about the eenveyeermunt, so we drive ess yew vees.


$5 more in gas, or $50,000 more in surgery. Take your pick.



But, on subject now:


This is one of the reasons I feel cellphones should be illegalized while operating a vehicle. I know that I sure as hell wouldn't take my eye off the road, doing 60 MPH (100 KMPH for you Canucks and Redcoats. Us Yanks prefer ye olde stile), to answer my phone. Hell no. I would at least pull over to the side of the road or into a gas station to refill my gas guzzling SUV (one year untill I'm driving one of those death traps).

Edited by Kamikaze_Badger

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Not to mention the fact that people are becoming worse drivers. It really annoys me when people can't drive their cars. Just last night I had to wait FOREVER for this idiot to get out of a parking space. He had pulled forward and reversed AT LEAST a half dozen times before he finally got his car out of the spot. Because of this idiot, there was a line of cars waiting. Would have taken me a solid 3 seconds to get out of that spot.

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