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Nooby Question


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i was goin to buy a athlon64 4000+ san diago and i was wondering ho whard it would be to overclock im also geting a dfi lanparty sli,4gigs ocz plat ram, pc power and cooling somthiing not sure yet, and 2 evga 6800gt 512mb SLI'ed


im completely new to overclocking i only understand a little bit


Edited by foamy654

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:blink: ok i looked that over about 5 times and this will sound stupid but ether that hasnt been updated and the athlon64's are newer or there already unlocked i can build computers but this is were im not to bright and like the topic said *nooby question* and do you need to do the pencil trick on the 64's or is there somthing else i can use that does better?


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First off, why 4 gigs of ram? 2 is more than enough for the most part. Also, there are MUCH better cards to put in there besides the 512mb 6800's. I'd rather have 2 7800 GT's than those. But, it's your money, spend it whatever way you want. There are all kinds of OCing FAQ's all over the net that will help you, as long as you read the WHOLE thing. Good luck.

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There are all kinds of OCing FAQ's all over the net that will help you, as long as you read the WHOLE thing.


yeah, just download the internet and print it out and have a good read :lol:

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i was goin to buy a athlon64 4000+ san diago and i was wondering ho whard it would be to overclock im also geting a dfi lanparty sli,4gigs ocz plat ram, pc power and cooling somthiing not sure yet, and 2 evga 6800gt 512mb SLI'ed


im completely new to overclocking i only understand a little bit



Wow if you got the money to get those 512 6800gt's why not just go with 1 512mb 7800! I would think that you would be happier with that. And yes that 4 gigs of ram (WAY OVERKILL).

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If "one" is gonna Be a b00b.. ur-ah n00b that's fine cuz' we all were there at some point in our OC Career. But! before "one" spends X-amount of money, "one" should be already educated and/or having knowledge of the parts/Rig etc... I think that if "one" doesn't know jack poop in the first place "one" shouldn't spend X-amount of money. But as BTS said, it's "ones" money, they do with it as they wish. If "one" does know, then how would "one" justify the parts and the current set-up?


I will agree with the vast majority here about; Reading. You need to Read, read and read then re-read everything you just read. The point is; get knowledge. Learn the basics of computers. Decide what your primary objective is (the primary role of the rig in question). Then go to WWW and do some searching to read about your parts and what OC does, the affects, the results, things to expect etc...

I don't mean to sound rude, but can you justify the parts that you listed?


My personal experience with my OC has been a looooong haul. It has taken me near 6 months to get where I am with my current set-up. My teacher (which I'm gonna remain nameless, but is a member over at DFI-Street) had said to me about 2 years ago when I started to OC a A7N8XE-Deluxe. He said to me; "OC'ng is rather easy, but to OC with Finesse is an art" Those words didn't make much sence then but they sure do now!

So.., I can only give you advice that you probably won't like, You need to READ, Learn, educate yourself before you start your OC. Listen to alot of critism and take it for what it's worth. Listen/read to what others do, BUT DON'T do exactly what they do because I guarantee you won't achieve or see the exact same results. If I can be so inclined to say that I possibly can speak for most Members here at OCC that we're here to help. Just ask and be as specific as possible. Good Luck..


P.S..I touched the lamas once, and now I got this-this Rash, and this speach Impediment that I can't seem t-t-t-t-t-t-too- shake. :ph34r:

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