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PLATFORM: All GeIL ONE W (BH) were tested on DFI Athlon 64 platforms. Only Socket 939 platforms are validated to run at rated timings/speeds. GeIL strongly recommend for the GeIL ONE W (BH) to only be used on DFI LanParty UT NForce 4 Ultra-D, DFI LanParty UT NForce4 SLI-DR and DFI LanParty NForce4 SLI-DR as they are the few mother boards on the market right now that provide the best combination of voltage options and compatibility.


From the official GeIL One BH product page.


They ONLY list the nf4 boards, which is good news for you :) They rate it at 3.4-3.5v with 2-2-2-5 at DDR500, but nothing higher. I'm curious how this would perform at DDR600+. Seems like it should stay on track with 2-3-3-6 or so, but no mention. If it doesn't, then that'd suck. Dividers..... ewww. :P


Definately looks like a good candidate, though I still prefer the TCCD version.... obviously :)

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On my first build I used a Gig of Corsair pc3200 XMS. It's been very reliable and have had no problems w/ it. I used 2 Gigs of OCZ recently and good god! What a difference. I was leary of buyinh OCZ at first, but most of the people here seem to really like it. I am really happy with the OCZ. It definitley out performs the Corsair. The relability has yet to be proven to me. It seems that OCZ rocks! I really don't think you could go wrong w/ either, but OCZ is a better choice for moderate and stable overclocking....

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I think i said it pretty well the first time - it depends on the cpu its being used with. You wouldnt wanna "waste" tccd on a crappy chip that wont run it near its max ram speed 1:1, and you wouldnt wanna sacrifice the 30 or more mhz by using bh5 if the chip can do more - even if it is with tight timings. A really good stick of bh5 is better then normal tccd, but if they both oc average then the decision gets harder.

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