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What's Wrong With Kids?


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Ok, what the F|_|C|< is with kids these days? Seriously, where did half our nation's youth get the idea that if their life isn't perfect, they should kill themselves!? "My parents yelled at me, I must be emotionally abused." <--- BULL crapING .. Since when did we come up with this "emotional abuse" . anyway? When we started getting hippies who think that if we just "talk" to kids kindly, they'll learn?


When I was younger, I got spanked if I did something stupid. Talking to me, pfft, that would hardly ever work. I'm surprised I didn't have the . beat out of me for some of the things I did back then, including glueing together my toy blocks.


Now, we have people who's parents won't buy them an X1800XT and they think that it's something to become angst filled about. Even worse are those who claim that they should be rewarded because they got good grades (Know what your craping reward is? Higher chance of entry into college). Funniest defense I've heard against that is "WELL I GO TO A HRD SKOOL LOLOLOLOL." Yea, define hard, and take easier classes.


What's even worse are those who get used to this ., and go into the real world expecting happiness to be served on a silver platter to them. They then turn into scum sucking welfare leechers because they didn't decide to at least get a craping job when they were younger.


This rant isn't directed at anyone in general. Feel free to discuss and debate the subject. I'll even offer the opening argument: Parents should start teaching their kids respect and responsibility to keep them from becoming lazy crap.

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I'll even offer the opening argument: Parents should start teaching their kids respect and responsibility to keep them from becoming lazy crap.



#1 reason why I fear for the future of America. Parents just aren't raising their kids anymore. They're growing up to be these poorly educated, smartass, lazy pieces of crap. Nothing gets accomplished when society is like that.


Ah the good ol' days....







compliments: maddox

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Prime example would be some of the skateboarding punks at school here. They think that they're the biggest things in the world, and literally throw their grades down the crapper because "I'm going to get sponsored by a big company and won't need no education."

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And now we have people who sit there watching a robot work, getting $40 an hour, and 3 hours of paid break each day. Not to mention a month's paid vacation.



Whats wrong with that? At least they went to school.

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Whats wrong with that? At least they went to school.




he's talking about UAW workers... and our little thread about them... over half are highschool dropouts / flunkouts who's union allows such horrible things...



KB might be a "kid" in the age dept, but amazingly he's matured enough to realize the error in his old ways, he's admitted his mistakes and LEARNED from them.



of course as a parent I whole heartedly agree. my kids are 5 and 2, they have to clean thier rooms, help out around the house ect... it's only a start too. but by the time they hit the real world, they'll know that rewards only come to those who go out and earn them.

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