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Good First Language


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*SNEEZE!* hello :D


We've had this one come up several times before, and from what I remember it's always like..


C++ / C / Java / VB


VB makes it incredibly easy to make GUI applications, it's all drag and drop, but the language really stinks!


GUI stuff in Java isn't too bad, but those LayoutManagers are annoying :) The language is quite similar to C though. I think Java might be quite a good starting point, as it's got all that runtime error checking type stuff, like... if you try and go over an array it'll throw an out of bounds exception and stop, not just crash, or cause unexpected behaviour later on in the program, like in C.


PHP's quite similar to C too, except there doesn't really appear to be any typing going on (not typing as in hitting keys on the keyboard, as in.... defining variables.....int, char, double, float, MyObject). It's still quite fun to learn and play about with for dynamic web stuff though! I've had loads of fun making random pages in PHP!


Making GUI's in C is really quite..... mind warping :) At my Uni they teach Java then [a bit of] C. People didn't seem to have too much trouble doing it that way.


However much I love C (for some strange reason)..... maybe starting with Java or PHP might be an idea?! I reckon you'd have most fun with PHP to be honest!


Oh, I dont know!! lol :thumbs-up: I just woke up! Can I go back to sleep now? Time to work on my amazingly crappy OpenGL 2D game..... which I still have no ideas for! Oops.

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Haha that took forever to actually take all the spaces out to put in a converter thing.


Anyways, I learned HTML first, and then JavaScript. Just recently I started into Java and it's been pretty good. From the book I have it says it's almost the same as C, so it should be a fairly easy switch.

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HTML first, but that's not a real programing language. My first was C++ which is great and easy to learn, as long as you stick to doing command line stuff. Then I'm learning JAVA now and it's not too bad... I've heard either C++ or Java to start, and then make the other your second.

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Well I'm trying Java now, it's confusing, but I guess I'll just keep working at it. Maybe it will get easer I as keep reading, I'm using Java for Dummies and the program it recomends called JCreator. It's so confusing! I hope I can figure it out though, I like the fact Java can make not only applications, but web apps too.

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