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My Hard Disk Stops In Games


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I have an Asus A7S8X-MX mobo, athlon xp 2600+ proc, hard disk Maxtor Diamond Max 9 on IDE, video Sapphire Radeon 9200 (0x5C61) . Sometimes, when I play, my hard disk stops and starts very quickly. It's not happening all times, but sometimes, when my computer runs for a long time. And this happens only in games. Else it's working good.


Does anyone knows what's happening?

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It could be the HD is beginning to die. Mine just did recently, and here's what happened: Originally, I would be on the PC, and every time there was some heavy HD use, the HD would make one click, then everything would freeze for a few seconds. Soon, it started to freeze a bit longer, and it would happen more often. Then, it would click even when not under heavy use, even during things such as music and web browsing. The whole PC began to slow down, and files started to corrupt, so I figured, time for a new HD. Luckily, I replaced it before it 100% died, and now that it's replaced, everything's good. Keep in mind, this was over a course of 2 months, and the HD was about 1 and a half years old, and is also a Maxtor (40GB, Diamond Max Plus 8 series). So to sum things up, start saving up, because it MAY be time for a new HD....

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