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Attention Mods...


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What's with the double standard that's going on? I swore once with no warnings on these boards, and I get a 3 day ban.


A user posts pornographic material in a thread, and the link is removed. I don't see that member banned.


A user has the same word that got me banned in their username, but they are still allowed to use it?


What gives? Why aren't the rules even for everybody?

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I guess all of this depends on the mod's moods. IE. I have been banned for 1 day and then for 7, while the 1st one was more 'serious'. Different admins tho, and iuno.. I personally have no problem with any of the admins, and IMO a little variety helps :P


I <3 admins and mods :rolleyes:


EDIT: I dont really know whos an admin and whos a mod, but w.e :P

Edited by cold_snipe

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What's with the double standard that's going on? I swore once with no warnings on these boards, and I get a 3 day ban.


A user posts pornographic material in a thread, and the link is removed. I don't see that member banned.


A user has the same word that got me banned in their username, but they are still allowed to use it?


What gives? Why aren't the rules even for everybody?



In my defense I never seen the pic by the time I logged on the link was changed. If I was the one that seen it then I would have issued a ban immeditaly. I am getting less tolerent everyday because of some of the members pushing the limits so I will say it now you break the rules you will be suspended you break the rule a second time you are gone. There is alot of minors on this site and crap like that does not needed to be posted use your head or go somewhere else to post that junk <_>

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I am no "goody two shoes" by ANY stretch of the imagination. But I gotta agree with Bosco up there. A "little naughty word" isn't a big deal, but in a public forum like this, that "little naughty word" rapidly works it's way up to offensive. Give an inch, they take a mile or two.


Besides, this is one of the most intelligent and articulate forums that I regularly come to. I come here for the knowledge and experience that I can learn from. I know how to cuss up a storm, I don't need a forum to teach me that. And I have noticed that the posters that I respect the most, rarely(if ever) cuss in a post.


Just my thoughts on the subject.

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