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Overclocking My System


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I don't know much about oc'ing so I thought maybe you guys could give me some pointers on how to oc my system. Here are my specs:


Amd Athlon XP 3200+

Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe

2x256mb OCZ PC4000 Gold in dual channel

Thermaltake Volcano 11+ Cpu fan

Processor temps are around 40c at idle.


Currently I have the multiplier at 10 and the fsb at 215 ( 430 for dual channel ).

So I actually have the processor underclocked (2.15ghz). But it seems that when I try to get the multi any higher I start to have freeze ups and blue screens. Any suggestions?

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I don't know much about oc'ing so I thought maybe you guys could give me some pointers on how to oc my system. Here are my specs:


Amd Athlon XP 3200+

Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe

2x256mb OCZ PC4000 Gold in dual channel

Thermaltake Volcano 11+ Cpu fan

Processor temps are around 40c at idle.


Currently I have the multiplier at 10 and the fsb at 215 ( 430 for dual channel ).

So I actually have the processor underclocked (2.15ghz). But it seems that when I try to get the multi any higher I start to have freeze ups and blue screens. Any suggestions?




Ok, I have used ASUS for some time. I had the the Asus A7n8x v2 and this board you have and I can tell you that you can not go any higher on that board with the fsb. :angry2: You will only get black screens and on and on...ect..! :blink: sorry! The only way to overclock that board is to grab a mobile 2500-2600+ proc and up the multi and vcore. Sorry to tell you this but I and others have tried for sometime...no go! DFI Lanparty or something else so forget the fsb on the ASUS A7N8X series! I have used the mobile 2500 from 1.8 to 2.5 but to go any higher I needed the ubber bios...?


You can find it here: A7N8X Bios Releases


Just make sure you get the one with the 1013 and Sata Enhanced..! Also it will not help the fsb issue.


I hope this helps and you understand that the board is limited in the Northbridge voltages when it comes to fsb and even if you up the vcore it will not go any higher on the fsb. Take a look at my specs and you will see if I could it would still have the mobile in it. And i found really no dif on the 3200 and the mobile performance even when it was clocked to 2.4-2.5 without a higher fsb. But on a DFI that is another story! I sent my DFI back but my friend has his still running at 2.6 mobile and 500 fsb.


Just up the multi and I wouldn't go with the fsb...! I talk alot..lol :lol:

Edited by skibar350

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Thats funny i had 227x10 stable on my A7n8x 2500 barton unlocked. Ram gave up at 227 on mine.



Way cool! What version of A7N8X because I haven't seen it on the two I had. Even with a higher vcore they would show a blank screen. I know it isn't the ram on this board. I will have to try it again...! :blink:

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