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Stupid Model Congress People...


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Since I don't feel like typing it again, here is a chat between me and KB:



[10:13] Marty the McFly: i hate my town

[10:13] Marty the McFly: a bunch of idiots

[10:14] Marty the McFly: i am in model congress

[10:14] Marty the McFly: and we had this bill that was like 2 sentences long that said that we should cut ALL funding to Iraq immediately.

[10:14] Marty the McFly: it passed

[10:14] Kamikazebadger2: ...

[10:14] Kamikazebadger2: Please say it wasn't unanimous.

[10:14] Marty the McFly: of course not

[10:15] Marty the McFly: i didnt want it

[10:15] Marty the McFly: but the worst was this idiot girl

[10:15] Marty the McFly: her speech:

[10:16] Marty the McFly: "I don't watch the news.  i do not know all the facts.  But what I do know is that this war in Iraq is unfair."

[10:16] Kamikazebadger2: Omg...

[10:17] Kamikazebadger2: Unfair on who's terms? And when is war EVER fair? If it were fair, Osama would of told as three months in advance that he was planning on bombing the WTC's, and we would warn all areas being bombed.


  "Attention insurgents: We will be bombing this area in 24 hours. Please leave, or we will ask you to leave."

[10:18] Marty the McFly: that wasn't even the worst.

[10:19] Marty the McFly: at least 3 speakers said that we need to concentrate on catching terrorists in our country

[10:19] Marty the McFly: meanwhile basing the patriot act

[10:19] Kamikazebadger2: Omg.

[10:20] Marty the McFly: others said that we need to give this money (1 billion a day according to them) to hurricane katrina efforts.  they have no understanding of the basic concepts of a beaurocracy.

[10:20] Marty the McFly: And appropriation of funds.

[10:20] Kamikazebadger2: Omfg...

[10:20] Kamikazebadger2: Do they watch the Communist News Network and Clintons bull crap Shows?

[10:20] Marty the McFly: how did you guess

[10:21] Marty the McFly: somebody once yelled out while someone was speaking, "What do you watch, fox?!"

[10:21] Kamikazebadger2: Omg...

Edited by martymcfly

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Does it scare anyone else that 15 year old kids are taking this stuff THIS seriously?


I mean it's great to understand the world around you, but if you're worked up THIS much over politics at FIFTEEN, you have a long line of heart attacks in your future. You've got the rest of your life to worry aimlessly about things you can't change, why stress out so much about it in grade school when you can't even vote for another three years?

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i am not stressed about politics. I am stressed about just how frustrating these people are. i understand, however, that these people are NOT represenative of all liberals, or even all liberals in the town. I know that the smarted Liberals and Conservatives are smart enough to know not to even get into this.

Edited by martymcfly

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Does it scare anyone else that 15 year old kids are taking this stuff THIS seriously?


I mean it's great to understand the world around you, but if you're worked up THIS much over politics at FIFTEEN, you have a long line of heart attacks in your future.  You've got the rest of your life to worry aimlessly about things you can't change, why stress out so much about it in grade school when you can't even vote for another three years?


While I agree with you on this Verran, what scares me even more is the people just a few years older saying "It's stupid and I don't care."

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While I agree with you on this Verran, what scares me even more is the people just a few years older saying "It's stupid and I don't care."




:glare: Meh

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And then they classy lady about the president, and they didn't vote.



Actually no. youll never find me saying anything about anything in politics. and me posting in this thread doesn't count cause Im not supporting or bashing any side or group.


meh :glare:

Edited by Ste

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