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[5:30 AM]

Hey i finally found out how to do it, for that nightelve guy who said you cant, here ill tell you how, go to BIOS and go to 166mhz ( by jumper ) change itto manual and increase the #, it was 166 now i increased to 175

it was 1.66.7ghz

now its 1.75.4 ghz some . like that


what i want to know is when should i stop overclocking / adding some cooling products to it?, and adding more voltage. my current temps are.

Temp 1 : 32.0

Edited by Nocbrute

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lol, what didnt you understand? great ill explain -.-

[5:30 AM]

Hey i finally found out how to do it, for that nightelve guy who said you cant, here ill tell you how, go to BIOS and go to 166mhz ( by jumper ) change itto manual and increase the #, it was 166 now i increased to 175

it was 1.66.7ghz

now its 1.75.4 ghz some . like that


what i want to know is when should i stop overclocking / adding some cooling products to it?, and adding more voltage. my current temps are.

Temp 1 : 32.0

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still not crystal clear, but one thing did jump out at me.


Temp2 increased to 68.5*C


BAD, very bad.


need to lower that overclock or get a better cooler.


(oh and well done for overclocking something that everyone said was un-overclockable. i overclocked a PII once. got 466mhz out of it. :D )

Edited by bigears

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what pc/laptop are you talking about? what processor does it have? what chipset...


i'm going to GUESS that it's a 10 x 166 processor... but man, "Hey i finally found out how to do it" just doesn't tell me anything...


do what to what? oc a laptop?

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well i overclocked a amd sempron 2400+, noone said that was impossible, but ocing it on a k7s41gx motherboard, was known to be impossible. and i did it so im happy, and i have great stabke temperates/speed. :)

it was a desktop pc, and the multi plier is 10, bus speed is 185 and fsb is 333.

Edited by Nocbrute

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Umm the last ASrock board i used was usign the same chipset, it ran 200 FSB with a 2400+ sempron out of the box...had to set the 166 jumper then OC but still...not very impressive bc your still within the board's rated speed. If it hasnt already the CPU will soon be identified by CPU-Z as an Athlon XP. Unless they fixed that in newer updates...


So yeah i hit 2.2 on the stock cooler with a similar board...It only ran 51C maxed @ that so im guessing you did a real crappy job of applying thermal compound or used the stock crap they use on thoes heatsinks.


btw 68C is VERY hot, get it below 55C atleast...


Oh and try to type a semi coherent sentence with atleast some thought process behind it...

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my bad, sorry very sorry lol, well i understand what your saying but atm im using a smple 5$ amd heatsink, ill order a stock zalman soon, and if i need more cooling ill save up for water cooling if that helps and add an airduct to maximize performance also never forget the artic thermal paste! :-)

you know a good socket a copper or aluminum/copper heatsink that can cool my cpu good?

Edited by Nocbrute

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