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Fx-57 O 4800 X2?

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Well the fx-57 would be the best for know but future wise go with the X2.


I don't know about games that need dual core will come out this soon because dual cores have not been out that long and they problay wouldn't make a lot of money on the game if the game required dual core.

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wait till bigred sells the fx-59 es.. btw if u get an fx-57 i do believe that big red is selling an engeneering sample.. which he is not allowed to comment on .. but is allowed to sell??? anyways, u should consider it.


and last but not least.. ur gonna have a beastly system

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UT will NOT be supporting SMP. I doubt we'll see it main stream before 2008...



btw I'm not allowed to sell the FX-57 ES... I've already been warned about that :( something is squirrely about that chip and it's Vcore not being the same as the retail version... it also OCs a LOT better than it's retail siblings.

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