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Going A64

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Since my system is pretty much dead now, it won't stay stable for more than a few hours before it shuts off, it's not the PSU cos the green LED on the motherboard always stays on.


I'll be going A64 within the next couple of weeks, I've decided on these so far.


AMD Athlon64 3500+ Venice

MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum

Thermalright XP-90C (re-using my 92mm TT LED fan)


I'm using my case, PSU, and videocard over again, they all work fine. I'll eventually get a new PSU and videocard down the line, but I don't really need them now.


Before everyone asks, I've done just about everything to not buy any major new parts, this is really my last option. Definetely keeping my 3.0C though, it will be worth something later on.

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you might wanna get the xp90 or 120, i got the neo2 plat and im not sure it can handle all that weight of a xp90c. you might wanna get an antec neo power, dont get those cheap psu, they tend to die faster than higher quality ones.

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I've already ordered everything, the PSU will be fine. I'm getting a neopower later on, along with a new videocard. I've got a few things I could put on ebay to get the neopower sooner.


Worst case scenario on the PSU, I won't get a new one until christmas. :) Should be fine until then, I just won't O/C too much (or at all :P)

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Umm, do you think that the Magical PSU Faerie is going to keep it from taking all your components with it when it blows?


I once asked a member here who's been shocked by more PSUs and cut his fingers on more fans then you have hairs on your head what would happen if I used a 250w PSU to power a 6600GT.


What he said about burning smells, pops, and fried hardware scared me.


EDIT: Firestorm, no, it won't? The video card itself will hog tons of power. Even if you don't OC, you run a HUGE risk of frying your stuff due to undervoltage.

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it will... If he doesnt oc and keeps everything stock than he should be fine... Just look at dell's computers and such yes skimpin on a psu isnt the best choice but i mean look at all the people that run more power hungry rigs than that with a way cheeper psu.... Yes its a little risky but u should be fine


I just had to get that out sence everybody at occ insists of getting a 100$$ psu when thermaltake is just fine...... and yes i no of all the poeple that have lost their rig to there psu but out of all the psu's that acually do that the majority dont....


correct me if im wrong

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EDIT: Firestorm, no, it won't? The video card itself will hog tons of power. Even if you don't OC, you run a HUGE risk of frying your stuff due to undervoltage.



I don't see how that can be I have a 500 watt ps with a 6800 and 2.0gb of ram 4400+ oc and my computer has never been undervolted.

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