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Guest matrax

do you agree, the fact that the US is attacking IRRAQ with no prove of NUK ?  

32 members have voted

  1. 1. do you agree, the fact that the US is attacking IRRAQ with no prove of NUK ?

    • yes
    • no
    • dont know
    • dont care

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you guys prooved me that war is a good idea but is it good for our country ?!!

our economy is really low because of 9/11 :(

gas 1.85 here in florida i hope thaey will get some oil from iraq :D

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you guys prooved me that war is a good idea but is it good for our country ?!!

our economy is really low because of 9/11 :(

gas 1.85 here in florida i hope thaey will get some oil from iraq :D

I'd never say war is good. people die, good people bad people all kinds of people but right now, from my point of view, war is necessary.

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And I never said war is good... I would agree that it is necessary.


Our economy was down before 9/11. And it will probably be down for a long time... and war won't help it much... but then, another terrorest attack would do more damage than a war.


I'd much rather have the war taken to Iraq, than have Iraq bring a war to us later.

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crap why did BELGIUM(me) , FRANCE, GERMANY , wanted to help the people of turkey.....


now US turns his back to us, and all the pc stuff,... , is going to be much more pricy , whyyyYYYYYYYyyYYYYYyyyyYYYYYYyyyy , stupid ministers....



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Well i totally agree with the USA attacking "Saddam Hussein" and not the innocent people living there. WE all know that SAddam hussein is a evil person with his torture cells, acid baths, repeat rapings of women and more. We know that have lots of dangerous chemicals and nukes. If they werent goin to use the anthrax or nukes then why would they be researching it so much.


So i should lay out the plan of the attack on Iraq.


-Wipe out Saddam Hussein, his daughters, sons, wives and the rest of the family tree.

-Take out all power plants, airfields, barracks.


Usa is not that dumb in goin to war with IRaq. After we win this war they would pay us back for the expenses to goin to war with all the oil they have. So we are in a win/win situation here.


FInally something smart from George W.

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crap why did BELGIUM(me) , FRANCE, GERMANY , wanted to help the people of turkey.....


now US turns his back to us, and all the pc stuff,... , is going to be much more pricy , whyyyYYYYYYYyyYYYYYyyyyYYYYYYyyyy , stupid ministers....



i think it is because they don't see them selves as being threated by terrorism especially in the same way the US is. so they don't want to make themselves a target by supporting the US...pretty crappy if you ask me.

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normally I'd have a lot to say on this issue but I seriously cant get passed

his grammer... I mean its seriously funny seing nuke and every

other word mispelled... I thought he was canadian at first till

I saw florida on location... :P

then I realized what his avater says...

I mean his avater is cool and all but it says

"geek @ss f**"... if you think about what it really

spells out it sounds pretty dirty... (sodomy w/ geeks... eeeew!)

but every time I saw it b4 I was thinkin "geek as ."....

I dono you guys probly dont see it as that funny but

that stuff just cracks me up sometimes...

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i think it is because they don't see them selves as being threated by terrorism especially in the same way the US is. so they don't want to make themselves a target by supporting the US...pretty crappy if you ask me.

Idd almost all of the people here are totally against it, it's just to stupid to say, if france does it, we do it, if they don't we don't... . but they noticed the people wanted to be on the us side, and if there comes a war, we wil help us , if the belgian gouvernement wants it or not ;)

oh , and i voted "yes" :)



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As long as Saddam Hussein is in power, Iraq will continue to be a threat, not only to the USA, but to all of the Middle East as well. Especially Isreal, he launched Scud misssiles at Isreal during the Persian Gulf and Isreal wasn't even if the crap war, he just wanted a reason to fire those Scuds. I guarantee you that if Hussein could get away with it, he would nuke or gas anybody and everybody he wants without remorse. He wouldn't even think twice. I think the main reason he hasn't done anything yet is because he knows he'll get his @$$ kicked all over again. It's about time we finished the job and get rid of him while we can. George W. is going to clean up the mess his dad left.


Besides, the U.N. Inspectors have found missiles with chemical warheads in Iraq's possession. The warheads were empty, bur who would load up biological agents in a missile when they just have it in storage. It's like pulling the pin on the grenade before you even have a reason to use it. Of course the warheads were empty.


Just my 2 cents... :blink:

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Yeah matrax your grammar is HORRIBLE. But the poll is so unclear and I think the correct answer is no for all of us because he's asking if we agree with his "fact" that the US is attacking "IRAQQ" with no proof of a "NUK"? But Iraq has had it coming through sponsoring terrorism, brainwashing and terrorizing innocent Middle Eastern countries such as Kuwait. Not to mention it has been proven many times over that Iraq has chemical, biological, and will possibly have nuclear capabilities soon. Sadam Hussein's reign of terror has existed for too long and the US is finally preparing to bring it down.

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