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Is It Actually A Breakfast?

Mr Black Cat

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I can't seem to find a link to back this up, but I'm pretty sure this is legit. Although the lack of proof bothers me somewhat.


The idea of "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" was actually a marketing campaign. I believe it was the bacon folks needing to increase their sales, hiring an advertising guru who started the "have a big breakfast, it's important" campaign. It worked so well, they it has been elevated from an ad to a belief.

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hey Mr Black Cat


you can put "Mr Black Cat" in your signature so you dont have to type it in every time



Ahh, but that would only work for the first post in each thread though wouldn't it.

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Definitions of breakfast on the Web:


    * eat an early morning meal; "We breakfast at seven"

    * provide breakfast for

    * the first meal of the day (usually in the morning)



    * Breakfast is a meal, often light, usually taken in the morning. The name derives from the concept that you have not eaten whilst sleeping, i.e., you are fasting during that time, and break that fast with the meal. It is therefore a calque of the French d

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