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I Broke!

Mr Black Cat

what is the most significant damage that your body has incurred?  

67 members have voted

  1. 1. what is the most significant damage that your body has incurred?

    • Breathing disease
    • Broken bone
    • Brain problems
    • Torn ligaments/tendons/muscles
    • Senses failing (eg- hearing, sight, touch, smell, taste)
    • Heart problems
    • Kidney/liver/digestive system problems
    • Sexual reproduction issues (this can be devastating to your ego.)
    • Skin problems

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Those hurt too.


yeah.actually the same day when i came home,it was sore,but not that bad.but the next day my right ear was hurting.felt the pain running from ear to jaw,mom called the dr and asked it was normal and he said yes.thank god for liquid codeine.it helped and it put me to sleep :thumbs-up:

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Oooooh boy...


First injury I know of was when I was 2, it was a chilly day outside, but the sun was shining. My mom put me in a parka, with the hood wrapped around my head, only revealing my head. I had a 2nd Degree blistering sunburn all over my face...


Flash forward a few years to age... 7 I think... running around a rusty silo manger. There were holes in it. Those holes had sharp things on the inside. Got a three inch cut in my leg all the way down to the bone. Didn't really hurt that much... most of my screaming was from the scare of seeing it.


About 6 months later, I got my right ring finger stuck in a window pane. Instead of doing the smart thing and pushing the pane out, I just tore it out... once again, down to the bone, bleeding everywhere. That one hurt alot. Tore almost the entire pad out. I put a bandaid on it and resumed screaming pain untill my older brother called 911.


Oh yea, and during that same year, I was playing around with a friend in a silo with an augur that swung around... did you know that having an augur shoved into your forehead does NOT feel good? Especially when it blows you down from the force.


Oh, and when I was six, I was chasing a horse around a pasture (for those of you who know/raise horses... it was an Arab. You can do the math). Having a hoof slamming into your forehead and blowing you back dosn't feel good either.


Few years after the augur incident (which was at one of our old houses), I had the pleasure of using a bike that was built in a crappy manner... if you used the front breaks, it would buckle up a bit around the middle. Now, our driveway is at an angle of about 20*. It's also a good two hundred feet long. Now, I was using that bike, and going too fast... slammed on the front breaks (the back ones weren't working), and found out how fun it is to do a flip over the handlebars and slide five feet along gravel.


Around a month or so later, I fell off a different bike going along cement with rocks on it... my kneecap is still mis-shaped :(.




I've had countless other head injuries to mention. My short term memory is pretty much non-existant.

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Guest Raven65

Bro at my age i've had many. stitches multiple times. (18 times). Broken bones. Partially amputated fingers. Shoulder surgeries. (Total Reconstruction) 1st, 2nd, and 3rd circumfrencial burns on my legs. 6 sinus sugeries. you should have put other. LOL

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The first time the whole bee thing in the eye happened, I freaked out! Started punching walls(and i knocked a hole in the walla few times..crap.), hitting the ground and practically clawing at my eye. Freakin hurt like hell. But, I got over it in a day or two. The second time, I caught the abdomen of it and pulled, but it still scratched my eye. My left eye now slightly nulls out greens and my right eye slightly nulls out reds.


It's a Christmas Miracle!:

Mr Black Cat

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i forgot - I got no permanent damage from stepping on a beehive. I got like 40 stings. And I was with this kid (friend's brother's friend) and he saw a hive. He didn't want to be stung, so naturally he kicked and swatted at the hive (bees love this). A bunch came at us. One stung him in the eye, but I was luckier and got 3 in my hand, one on my head, and one on my arm.

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1/8" Piece of Iron (hammering on trash at age 8 with no eye protection) in eye, surgically removed, now I have a cataract in my left eye, but it's out of my field of vision, so I basically only really notice it when driving at night


Doc said my eyes were perfect when I had them checked in May. I almost have 20/20. Not too bad at all! If the metal had been going any faster, like less dust in the air or a less humid day, I probably wouldnt have vision in my left eye.


Left pupil doesnt quite dialate. (the pic is after having dialating drops in both eyes, they normally only look like that when it's pitch black I imagine... and you cant see anything anyway, slight size difference in a dim environment)





and of course the usual, cuts, scrapes, sunburns, small 1" 2nd degree burn from hot thing, 4 wisdom teeth out, etc.


nothing worth mentioning that fits into any of those categories (confirmed that is)

Edited by Mr_Yuck

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OW!!! 1/8"!?!? In the eye?! OWIES! that would hurt. Badly. Jeez.

Well, Just a quick thought: have any of you realised that the posts I make take forever to die off? The one post I made a while ago took an 2 weeks to finally go away. I'm not trying to brag, just in case it came across as that.


This might go for a short while longer:

Mr Black Cat

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