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Fun Time At Compusa


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You know, I used to work at BB, and while the salesmen there aren't technically on commission, they might as well have been.  I always told people that my commission was to not get hassled by my boss.  They were always pushing us to give customers all the stupid sales gimicks....


you HAD to shake their hand, everytime, or you'd get written up

you HAD to get their name or you'd get written up

you ALWAYS had to try to sell them the extended warranty, MULTIPLE TIMES

if you didn't offer AND sell every tiny little accessory with every sale, you would constantly get these lame @ss "pep talks" to try to make you a better salesman


I finally quit there and told the managers that I was tired of treating customers like morons.  I told them that I would never stand for being treated the way they told me to treat people, and if anyone ever did treat me that way in a store, I would tell them off and walk right out.  I ended up HATING that job because of all the sales pressure BS they made us do.


Now if I shop at BB, I will go in, grab only what I came for, avoid eye contact with anyone in a blue shirt, ignore anything the salesmen say to me, and checkout as quickly as possible.  When I bought my 6800GT there, I was in the store a total of about 7 minutes.





HAH nice. Yes those pep talks get very...very...very annoying. As soon as I get old enough to get a half decent computer job, I will. 17 isn't a good age to start trying to get a job much higher than BB

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HAH nice.  Yes those pep talks get very...very...very annoying.  As soon as I get old enough to get a half decent computer job, I will.  17 isn't a good age to start trying to get a job much higher than BB



Bah, completely untrue! I had a job working at a small PC repair/sales store when I was 16, and I learned TONS there. That's where I learned all of my PC basics. Granted, you'll have a tough time at 17, but there's really no difference between 17 and 18. The earlier you start, the better.

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What age does BB start hiring? As much as I despise how they apparently treat you (I'm scared I'll become a zombie like the cashiers who insiist on giving you extended warranties), I fear it would be one of the only decent jobs I could get besides washing and waxing cars in my neighborhood (the cars around here are oh so dirty and the owners are oh so rich... -_-)

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Not much you can do at your age. BeStbuy probably dosn't hire under 16.


However, keep to waxing cars. It may get you a job sometime at a local car shop. That, or if you can stand loud noises, which I assume you can (I'm an Aspie, so I don't do well around them), try getting a job with your local sub-contractor/electrician or something. Like the guys who drive the plain trucks with the hoods on the back with tools and stuff, and don't have any major markings. They'll probably pay you under the table to pick up stuff, if it's ok with your parents. Later on, as you get experience, they'll probably let you do some bigger work, such as drilling holes and running wires through them (Hint: Don't drill through the floor when you're suppose to drill through the jousts... I learned that the hard way). It tends to pay well.


If there are farmers or anything in your area, and you're well built and strong, see if you can get a job helping them for like $5 an hour or something. But be prepared for real chores (Hint: Taking out the trash and doing dishes aren't chores), which will put some muscle on you.

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the bestbuys in my area won't hire me until 18, which will be really soon, but i think they will hire me, The guys in geek squad don't even know that much, some aren't even A+ Certified...

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Guest Raven65

All I have to say is, I had some moron try to lie to me about something there. I made him look like a fool in front of customers and co=workers and then walked out. Needless to say I don't shop at BB anymore.

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the bestbuys in my area won't hire me until 18, which will be really soon, but i think they will hire me, The guys in geek squad don't even know that much, some aren't even A+ Certified...



I know a lot of people that work in computers in a lot of different ways, and I think the main concensus is that A+ really doesn't mean much. It shows that you're not a slackass, and you actually have motivation, but the knowledge tested in A+ tests is really pretty basic. I guarantee that 99% of employers are far more concerned with experience than they are with certs like A+.


But if you apply at BB, don't expect to get right into the "geek squad". At least at my store, the ENTIRE PC/Home Office dept was waiting for their shot at a repair position. They're way more likely to move someone from PC/HO to the squad than they are to hire someone off the street.

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Bah, completely untrue!  I had a job working at a small PC repair/sales store when I was 16, and I learned TONS there.  That's where I learned all of my PC basics.  Granted, you'll have a tough time at 17, but there's really no difference between 17 and 18.  The earlier you start, the better.



three words... job market availability. No mom and pop shops around here.



I know a lot of people that work in computers in a lot of different ways, and I think the main concensus is that A+ really doesn't mean much.  It shows that you're not a slackass, and you actually have motivation, but the knowledge tested in A+ tests is really pretty basic.  I guarantee that 99% of employers are far more concerned with experience than they are with certs like A+.


But if you apply at BB, don't expect to get right into the "geek squad".  At least at my store, the ENTIRE PC/Home Office dept was waiting for their shot at a repair position.  They're way more likely to move someone from PC/HO to the squad than they are to hire someone off the street.



Yeah more BB's don't hire until 18, I am the only minor working at that store, they must've liked me :). One of the sales managers told me the store got audited by corporate, and saw on the paperwork that I was a minor and started getting on to the GM. the GM stood up for me and I got to keep my job. And as far as geek squad is concerned... i can guarantee you ANYBODY on the PCHO floor could Pwn anybody in computer knowledge in our geek squad.. it's almost ridiculous how...not smart they are.

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three words... job market availability.  No mom and pop shops around here.



I had had 4 jobs by the time I was 18. I started working when I was 14. And no, they weren't mom and pop type places. We had people under 18 at our Best Buy, too. But do as you wish. What you will find is that everyone wants experience. But the older you get, the harder it is to get that "entry level" job that actually qualifies as "experience". The longer you wait, the worse off you are. Who would you rather hire? An 18yr old that's been working his tail off for the last 4 years at odd jobs, or an 18yr old that has absolutely zero experience (and therefore zero references)? At some point it is not ok to have your parents and their friends on your references page anymore. Think about it man.

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