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N00b Overclocking Question


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I have an ABIT IT-7 with 512 pc2700 ram and was wondering if anyone could tell me how to overclock ram. it is currently a 133mhz, 533 fsb. thanks.

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hrmm when you OC ur comp you are ocing the ram..


what you can do is set all the timmings on the ram in the Bios to a lower number..

there prolly set at like 3.. try dropping them down to 2.. or 2.5

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when you up your fsb onthe cpu you also increase your ram, so in effect you are oc'ing your memory already! If you are still unhappy you could set you CAS settings a little more agressively! I don't know, maybe they already are, but that is a place to start! Just beware the blue screen of death! :lol:

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