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Occ Image Depositorium


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Ok, over the months and years OCC has had gifts, wallpapers and all sorts of images made for the site or personal use (aka wallpapers)


I've made a directory on my hosting site that anyone can access.


Feel free to download any of the images in the directory.


And if someone has a larger version of this image... occlub_recommended.jpg please let me know. I'd love to be able to use a larger and better quality version of it in one of my many wallpapers that i make.


Enjoy the directory and contact me if you want to add to this small collection of OCC images.


OCC Image Depositorium

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Nice resume

Too long Though!



If a resume is in front of me that is longer than one page,

It goes in the trash :)

posey, do you hire people? are u in a business?


if not... dont talk.... my resume is two pages and thats that, deal with it....


BTW stay outta my other directories!


Who the F$%# said u could backtrack in my directories then talk crap about the contents?

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And if someone has a larger version of this image... occlub_recommended.jpg please let me know. I'd love to be able to use a larger and better quality version of it in one of my many wallpapers that i make.

Still havent heard anything about getting a larger version of this image... anyone have it in a larger size?

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first off.. posey is a very good person, he was just trying to help you..

and hes right a resume should only be 1 page.. short and sweet.. he knows what he is talking about.. and You shouldent take offence to what he says expecially sense it wasent a harsh comment, it was a helpful one..


And no, I dont really care to have a larger Image of OCC Recommended as a wall paper..

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