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3 Sticks Or Dual Channel?

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i have 3 sticks of corsair xms memory(512 each). would i benefit more from having 1.5GB total ram or 1GB of dual channel? does one setting give better performance than the other?

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You won't be able to run three sticks of RAM on the nForce3/4 chipsets anyways. It is only 1, 2, or 4. Seeing that you are running an nForce2 based board, you are running dual channel with the three RAM slots being used.

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You can but i dont know how effective it is in real world performance. Why not try it both ways and benchmark it with something like SiSoftware Sandra. That might tell you which version has the higher bandwidth etc. but if you like OCing then 2 sticks is probibly doing to be the way to go.

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its possible to run the two sticks in dual channel then have 512 on the side ON SOME MOTHERBOARDS


as long as those two sticks are exactly the same


if your mobo is dumb, then pull out the 3rd stick and leave it dual channel

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i thought on the nf2 board you could run DC with 3 sticks as long as the first 2 sticks were the same (ie 512), but then the third stick had to be double the capacity of the first sticks(ie 1gig) that would be a total of 2gigs of DC memory. Correct me if im wrong

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