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Protect Folders? In Xph


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Is it possible to password certain Folders in XP? im started to keep my bank statements on the computer and its not a public computer or anything id just like them to be better protected.


IF windows cant do it, is there a free program that can?

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You can use file system permissions which can grant various rights based on username. Technically, windows can do that with EFS (Encrypted File System). That can be a PITA since if you change your password you will lose your data (among other problems). If you want something further, try using password-protected zips.


There are also a large number of freeware/shareware apps available that can do this - check http://www.download.com

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I believe you need to go under Folder Options and uncheck Simple filesharing which will allow you to assign specific users to a certain folder. Not too sure if it is available in XP Home though.

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I think XP Pro can encrypte files, I don't think home can. You could try making them hidden, however i have not yet figured out an easy way to locate them and open them after they have been hidden.

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