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Viris Inspect


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Well, they better care, i know they turn things down but they better not for this, cause i emailed them about a TCP/IP problem not knowing what caused it ( TCP/IP was dissabled ) But i still could get online to a certian extent, and almost every day i lost another file. So i wonderd what could cause this... well i reformated just like they said, installed SP2 and i was looking at websites, gamming websites, and a winamp error came up ( I love winamp ), and then seconsd later a Virus alert poped up. And that was all in SECONDS of getting the virus... Well, that virus had to have been a SUPER virus cause it did more damage then a My doom virus.


So i had to keep reformating 5 times untill i took to much, and stoped viewing lots of websites.... SO if they dont make it, i will go to my relatives and they will make it for me.. IF they dont then im going to go to virus companys.. I just NEED this program developed cause if i dont then my computer is just a OPEN source for virus's....



Ok, steps:


1) Buy router

2) Plug it in

3) Stop looking at pr0n

4) TaDa, the need for "viris" Inspect is gone!


I have never ever had any problem Remotlly Close to this. It sounds a LOT like something you are doing is causing this and all I have is my Linksys WRT54G router and SP2. I dont even have the firewall on SP2 running, nor an anti-virus (yeah, flame me, its on the to-do list though).

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First off, I would like to help in a project like this, if it didn't look like a 10 year old was posting it.


Second off, you NEED to switch to a different browser. I'm ignoring what you said about not posting something like that, but you're using IE. THERE IS NO WAY TO BE SAFE WITH IE! Even with the programs I'm suppose to recommend to people after helping them out, during HijackThis Bootcamp, will NOT keep your computer safe.



You're going to get flamed here. Spelling DOES matter when you're coding, too. I ask you, are YOU a coder? Obviously not if you're saying that spelling dosn't matter. Compilers don't give a . if you're dyslexic or a bad speller, any typo will cause the compilation to halt.


Do you actually think that M$ is going to take up one person's request? If you do, time to stop living in a dream world. "They had better listen to me." sounds like something a 16 year old feminazi would say upon finding out that she's not getting paid more than the men at her workplace because she dosn't do as much work as they do(not generalizing women here, or anybody. It's just an example), when going to management. It's cute, funny, and you'll get laughed at.



Also, your site... ha ha. Yea. All I can do is laugh.




For all we know, this is just a troll attempt by some banned user. Ha, good joke.



EDIT: And also, you're going to need money, and LOTS of it to get help. I freelance program for $20 an hour, 100+ WPM. I sell seperate algorithms for more if they're big. Go make a Sourceforge account and submit a new project. If it even gets through, then I'll sell you some algorithms.

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Man, you're doing something wrong because I use IE and I look at a ton of Pr0n and I have never had a virus get through and do any damage. I've even tried loading known viruses on my rig and Pccillin gets them every time. I was using AVG free but switched to Pccillin because it had a higher detect rate.


And yeah, I'm sorry but your idea is already been done. There are virus scanners out there that use heuristic, (SP?) analysis to scan each and every file that comes through any port. I think that is what you're talking about right?


If you went to microsoft with this idea I think it would be like going to ID software and saying "Hey, build me a game about a research facility on Mars being taken over by hell and the your character has to go through tha base and....."



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me thinking he shoulda posted in the OCC noobs first. hehe


oh btw, spelling is a biotch in coding, Im so not taking programming 2, even though im getting close to a 93% in prog 1 it so tedious and boring.

Edited by Ste

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Spelling, DOES IT MATTER, im a bad speller, i know someone who is a worst speller then i am and he developed lime wire... See so..........

And, yes i know i have bad grammer,  and no that wasent a "burn"

DOES anyone want to develope this program?!?!?!?!?!? If not i give it about till the end of this current week, and if i dont start seeing people posting aobut it, i will go straight to microsoft..



In taking a project on like this you need to pay close attention to detail. Bad spelling and grammer are two easy things to look over. If it's not important enought for you to do that...well let's just say I'll stay with WinXP SP2, AVG, MS Anti-spyware, and Norton Firewall. I also run Ad-aware and Spybot once every couple of weeks. Probably over-kill on the protection software but I have enough resources to handle it.


My systen has not been taken down so far. Now I've probably jinxed myself. :lol:

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i think you should have touched wood there stitch!

u have the same setup as me but without the spybot, and i have had no problems! But i use IE and firefox (mostly IE)


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Go make a Sourceforge account and submit a new project. If it even gets through, then I'll sell you some algorithms.



I think you need to read the GPL again maby... :glare:


--edit #1--

If you are doing this coding for people for 20/hour and then submiting it to SF then you are outside of the ToS and probablly outside of the license that your code is distributed under. You are allowed to sell BINARIES but not code... code is and always should be free of charge (at least on SF). XChat shows a good example of how binaries can cost money while the source code is still free...


sorry but seeing that just moderatlly pissed me off. Wanted to make sure you wernt doing any of that and if you are hopefully let you know if you didnt already.

--end edit #1--

Edited by Kevin_E_Cramer

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I did not say i was looking at porn or prOn or what ever you call it, No i am not a programmer, I FIX COMPUTERS, that is my job, i own a computer FIXING BUISSNESS, i know a programmer that developed lime wire, and his spelling is worse then mine, i could use a spell checker, but i dont want to take the time, My spelling will get better as time goes on, but for now, Dont "FLAME" me as you say, i know tons of people that work for microsoft, if they dont do S^%& about it Fine, but i think i know why, i have these problems.


Anyone ever hear of " Viscom technology group" i bought a V2 premier from them, and the thing is a PILE of junk, my old computer ( P2 ) RUNS better, and more reliable. I just went surfing on porn or PrOn sites, not for looking but trying to get the viris again, i got it agian. I deleted the Unathrized download, which i dont think it caused it. And my computer works just as good. THANK GOD!, and hopefully it will continue working like this. I have uncles and family members that know more coding then anyone i know. They, own there own buissness. I think its Star com or something.. im not sure about the website, BUT when i do pass computers corse, which i am currently not taking, i will be developeing the first EVER known Human system.. also known as the " Green Master " Name sounds weird but it will work like a dream.. Human system For my term - Computer that acts, and obays like a human. Its just like a normal human BUT THIS system will OBAY all commands it has been given, example you could get Adaware, spyware, deadly virus's and even Lagg packets - hack attempts and the computer will just automaticly ignore it all, and blook there entrys. BUT WHEN the system is released it will be 100 X faster then the normal CPU today, about 1-2 TB of ram, and processer speed, how i will do it, who knows... If i dont go as BIG as i plan, im going to work in the medical feild, of corse i will have better spelling by then... :) and please this is not a FLAME post so, follow this simple rule im sure everyone heard : " if you dont have something nice to say about someone, dont say anything at all " or something along that line, i have good freinds that dont spell good but they know more suff about program developement and everthing. And also this phrase applys " nobody is perfict " YES I KNOW I SPELLED IT WRONG.... I WILL SPELL better later in time..

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Ok, so you're not a programmer, and you're claiming you'll make a 1337 butt system with AI... along with support for millions of gigs of RAM, and ultra-costly and unstable processor speeds(The HIGHEST OC I've seen was a few Ghz extra, and it wouldn't boot into OS, only BIOS). Sure... you fix computers, eh? Oh, and why would I want Adaware off my system? I like it having that program.


It took professional programmers at Valve YEARS to write the AI used in the game Half-Life 2. And that still only corresponds to events which can be controlled in game. Also, lets keep in mind that it'd have to obey commands either typed in, or spoken of a known frequency. And, to obey all those commands, you would have to write algorithms in intense detail, to the point that you would end up having TB's of assembler code(since you're going to have to build your own processor and board for this machine), and ASM is one HELL of a pain in the butt to write. Take it from somebody who's working on a CPU burner at the moment.


It's obvious that you have no programming knowledge, as you expect people to just write you this program, and think that spelling dosn't matter. Hell, you've even admitted to not taking any courses in computers, when I've taken an A+ course and have been working with computers since I was a kid, and still have alot to learn.


Oh, and about your Green Master, have fun spending thousands of dollars on components just for motion. And encountering lawsuits from various companies when you somehow duplicate their code in some way. I'm sure your mommy will help you out then.


Oh, and it wouldn't be the first human-like system. I've seen several before. But, because this is going to be the first, let me ask you a few questions:


What OS kernel will you be using for this?


Who will be developing the millions of lines of code?


Who will overview construction?


Who will provide financing?


Who's going to help you out when your code goes to .?


I've been programming for about 8 months now. I still suck. My father use to work at ASIO (Ask Taz) in one of the worlds 1337est jobs, and is now a professional VB programmer. He'd say that you're going way over your head.



So, think about that. But, answer a quick quiz for meh:


What are EAX, EBX, ECX, SI, DI, EIP, and ESP on your CPU?


What does the following do?


mov dl,4ch
db message "h",0
int 21h
mov dl,0
int 21h


What is the main advantage of having 64 bit registers when working with numbers such as Pi in ASM?


Who's line IS it, anyway?

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Oh relax Kamikazi, he said he was a "computer fixer person" not a programmer. :)


I checked out that website and it looks like if was developed by a 10 year old. It looks nice though, but the incredibly bad seplling makes me want to cry.


And if you're gonna give advice about "how to overclock your computer" - "is your computer running slow? You may need to OC it" :blink:


Please know what you're talking about. There is more to OC'ing than increasing your FSB and running Prime 95. I hear there's a great OC forum called www.overclockersclub.com if you need some tips.


BTW - I'm not trying to flame you, just bringing a little reality to you :)


PS do you know Dtaylor? You sound a lot like him and your website looks the same.

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