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$225 For Bgf 6800


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any1 one no how much insurance costs?




UPS includes $100 of insurance in the price of shipping, any additional is a buck or two per $100, it's very small, because most people never use it, so they make money


+ if he bought it dosent he have to sign something to rma it?



check BFG's site for their RMA policy, some companies require you to have a copy of the receipt/invoice where it was purchased originally in order to RMA is needed


++ if it dies of natural cause how would i go about geting it replaced buy the lifteime warrenty?



again, check BFG's site for their RMA policy

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BFG's RMA policy is excellent. I just RMA'd my 6800 with no problems no questions asked either. All they require is the serial number and such.


BTW is anyone interested in the BFG 6800 because I have one that I am looking to possibly sell so i can upgrade. I have had no problems since I have RMA'd and my new card has all pipes unlocked plus I have began to overclock so i can produce some numbers if anyone would like.


If anyone is interested please PM me!!!

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