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Drive Partitioning


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Okay, I like linux (FC3) and I'm ready to start making the official change over. My test linux is currently on my second HD (ide) and I want to set it up so it is on my faster sata drive. I'm going to start making a new partition for it by chopping up my current windows partitions to make room.


I have a 160gb drive, which with windows I liked to partition up, both for safety and for ease of organization. Is it easier to just have a single partition for linux, or should I do the same sort of thing. One partition for the OS, another for files, another for programs, etc.? Will I have to mount each partition separately every time i want to access it?


this is what I currently have:

windows sytem partition (20 gigs total, 8.85 free)

Files (36.7 total/15.3 free)

Programs (43.9 total/32.1 free)

Documents (48.8 total/21.5 free)


Of course, I"ll need to keep my programs partition and my windows system (but i can cut them down). I'd like to make a FAT32 partition that both OS's can read/write to so that I can transfer files from one OS to the other.


What do y'all suggest?




This is what i'm thinking:

/boot 0.5

/swap 2

/ 10

/usr 25

/home 20


And I'll also have my fat32 partition for sharing. I just might convert my second HD to fat32, since that is what my music sits on anyway and then the whole drive can be a transfer drive.


Then once i start moving files over to the linux partitions, i can clear up more space and add it to the /usr and /home partitions.


How's that sound?

Edited by BiPolar

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I run a 32 mb boot partition. It doesn't need to be big at all...all it does it hold the kernel boot image. You can see for yourself how much you're actually using...just type "df -h" from the console. I've never used more than 15 megs of mine before.

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