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Computer Fried... Had A Cookout Today

Guest Poopsicle Boy

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Guest Poopsicle Boy

ok ill do that tomorow. i think i have a snowday :) the family pc is like its pc 3200 vs my pc2100 will that all work together?

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get a job.. build a computer.. thats what i did.. BTW.. the king of errors in grammer and spelling.. but alot has a space :) for your avitar "a lot"


lol... but ya.. get a job :) .. then quit lol...

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i dont have much of a way to test them. ive tried the HD in my family pc. doesnt work, tried the whole system with the family pc's power supply that doesnt work, duno what more i can test... ?


there was a spark and then every thing just shut down


i spend almost all my time on my pc... sorry if i like something GEEZE.  they said they cant afford to get a new one right now maybe next year or something.


gravy please dont post back in this thread anymore. thanks



let me tell you something, you don't just jump on the net and join a forum board and start crying and asking for money from strangers.........i have helped many many people here and other places, but i dont really care to help those who wont help themselves, so go cry somewhere else you little spoiled brat

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let me tell you something, you don't just jump on the net and join a forum board and start crying and asking for money from strangers.........i have helped many many people here and other places, but i dont really care to help those who wont help themselves, so go cry somewhere else you little spoiled brat


amen to that. at least do some work before begging

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Guest Poopsicle Boy

HOW AM I A SPOILED BRAT? because the computer i saved up for and paid half of for my barmitzvah present broke and i have no computer and can use this while everyones sleeping and just asking for a few dollars if u felt like giving it to me god your such an butthole crawl back into your little hole and leave me alone

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you need a wake up call


when my car breaks down, there's nobody to go to to beg for money to fix it, when my PC breaks, i simply have to wait until i can afford to buy the new parts to fix it, etc..........life is hard, i am being nice, you'll see

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Guest Poopsicle Boy

im done here. thanks to everyone who posted back positively like muddy. ill try all the parts each one seperately tomorow. goodnight.

Edited by Poopsicle Boy

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im done here. thanks to everyone who posted back positively like muddy. ill try all the parts each one seperately tomorow. goodnight.



im nice! <-----nice person right here

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Big spark. Well, once my brother went to a LAN around his friends and he flipped that 120v/240v switch thingy on the back of the PSU, you know what I mean? Well, he flipped that somehow while it was on. His excuse was "I thought it was the power switch!!!". Was a cheapo generic PSU. I thought everything would have been screwed, bought another PSU and everything still worked just fine. If it was a cheapo PSU I guess it's possibly just your motherboard that's crapped up, so it's a good idea to try all the other stuff in another computer if you can :)


Good luck!!

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