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Psu Troubles Again

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ok this is my 4th attempt at trying to post this, hopefully firefox wont crash this time.

MY psu is going out, fast. i have a thermaltake 480wt purepower butterfly. this is the 2nd one i have bought in the last 2 months. the first one got hurt by a power outage but still worked, i ogt it swapped out and it was all well for a while. then my pc decided it wouldnt boot at 200x11 (look at cpu in sig) so i put it at the stock 166x11, all was ok again, then programs started crashing and my coltage rails read at ~11.7V so i took a spare cheapo 400wt psu and hooked it up as a 2nd psu to my videocard(yes i have 2 psu's on my pc to keep it running.) well, i put my oc back to 200x11 and it gets to windows, im like wow.

ok, i then opewn winamp, everything seems great, i open up firefox, boom it crashes. i cant hold ff or ie opwn at 166 or 200mhzfsb without it crashing. start up stresscpu and it wont error but ill open up anythingelse and its crashing left and right. i look at my voltage rails and look what i came up with......(keep in mind this is with 2 psu's)

what psu would you guys recommend? please dont say xconnect cuz i heard they arent that good from several places. and if you recommend any thermaltake psu i wont reply back to you lol. please help, im about to throw this pc.

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Antec NeoPower


There is a similar PSU under another name that lilkev715 posted about a week ago that is the same PSU without the modular connections and is ~$80. Do a forum search in the cases and power supplies and you will see which one I'm talking about.

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Tt PSU's are just rebranded SuperFlowers...and are not really known for their heavyweight performance, let's just put it that way... :rolleyes:


Reinstall Firefox if you haven't already...or look to a custom install of Moz Suite for a browser.


The Antec series is my first choice; I run a 480w True Power inmy rig, though the 550w is very good as well.


Enermax is also a strong performer. You can't go wrong with either, IMHO.


Good luck!!

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xconnects r good


thermaltakes are EXTREMELY stable and take a ton of load


so ur ignorant


well, i had my antec 350wt psu adn it held up MUCH better than this one is right now.....like i said, this is the 2nd one i have gone through in 2 months, so sorry if i seem ignorant, its just that PSU's are supposed to last longer than a month. :)


ever since i got these psu's i havent seen anything higher than 11.91V on the 12v rail.


And to nemo's post, thx i was looking at that psu at microcenter but got this one instead, i might exchange this one and pick up the neo.

Edited by sYstEmATiC

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