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Cd Database


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I am running out of space on my HDD, so I decided it is time to start burning some stuff to cds, however I don't want to never be able to find it again. I was wondering if there is a program that can tell me what CD the file I am searching for is on. Thanks,


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Only thing I could think of would be a Excel spreadsheet like CheeseMan42 suggested or maybe an Access database.



Once upon a time I saw a site selling a CD/DVD storage thing, that connected to your computer via USB. I think that actually did what you wanted, but I cannot for the life of me remember who sold it. I checked Xoxide and FrozenCPU but didn't find it.

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i have a really old version of it (i fished it out especially so i could get the url...funnily enough, i couldnt remember what disc it was on - ironic...), and from what i can remember it seems to work well. i have a 4 year old version though, so no doubt it has improved leaps and bounds

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