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virus, did you follow these instructions?

-Open up your KalOnline folder, (uasually located in program files)


-Once you're in your KalOnline folder, open up the "data" folder.


-Once you're in the "data" folder, open up the "HyperText" folder.


-Once you're in the "HyperText" folder, open up the "k" folder, k stands for korean.


-Once you're in your "k" folder, select eveything in there by draging your mouse over it all and highlighting, then rightclick, select copy.


-Then go back to where the "k" folder was, and right beside it is the "e" folder, which stands for english.


-In the "e" folder right click and paste (you're pasting what you just copied in the "k" folder).


-Now, MAKE SURE you do NOT select "Yes" when it tells you there is already this document, would you like to replace it. KEEP SELECTING NO! until your'e done.


I can't choose what to get next: G42 armor or G40 sword. Which would be better?


EDIT: Traded 100k and my G42 boots for a +5 +9 G40 SaeHyung with 2 strength. Now I need to sell my G33+2. If anyone wants it, whisper me. I'll sell it for 45k.

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Hmm it worked for me.


Anyway if anyone has g32 archer armor they can let me have It would be greatly apreaciated



I have some i can LONE you, think of it as a guild item you can use till you have enough for your own G32 or G42


BTW: Kalu you still owe me my 240k, for when you broke your red and i loned you.

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