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Official Kalonline Discussion Thread


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The money-abuse is definitely a worry, but we can work out the details of a slush-fund, if we use it at all, later. For now, we can just rely on the kindness of our guildmates.


For expansion, I think it'll even by hard to get a qualified 3/4 vote. Simply because someone is going to suggest someone, but there is no guarantee that others will know that person, making it hard to vote. But we can figure that out...maybe they come to the irc room or something and we talk to them...or we party with them and see if we like how they fight/interact with us.


and I still think that they should at least join OCC, they don't have to be active like we are, but this is where the guild message board will be, so they will have to join. Kind of like Jaine's Outpost, I guess. And 'suggesting' that they fold would be another nice touch for both OCC and the folding community as a whole.

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The money-abuse is definitely a worry, but we can work out the details of a slush-fund, if we use it at all, later.  For now, we can just rely on the kindness of our guildmates.


For expansion, I think it'll even by hard to get a qualified 3/4 vote.  Simply because someone is going to suggest someone, but there is no guarantee that others will know that person, making it hard to vote.  But we can figure that out...maybe they come to the irc room or something and we talk to them...or we party with them and see if we like how they fight/interact with us.


and I still think that they should at least join OCC, they don't have to be active like we are, but this is where the guild message board will be, so they will have to join.  Kind of like Jaine's Outpost, I guess.  And 'suggesting' that they fold would be another nice touch for both OCC and the folding community as a whole.



Hopefully, since this guild is gonna get pretty big, we can get a KAL section on the forums. If not, i can make a website for us... I suppose lol id have to think of a nice design ;)


But yeah, well get outside members to join the forums

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well considering how big this thread is getting I would hope d3 or LP might be nice enough to make a small sub-forum in the "Windows Gaming" area


**kicks d3 and LP in the shins with g42 boots to get the hint** j/k :lol::P

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4 levels in 2 days? I'll take that challenge. :foldon:



i guess are take that challenge too. it feels like its never going to end though first it was 26 then 28 now 30. :(


except only two lvl's for me.

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