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I was just curious...do lower multipliers let you have a higher fsb and run your ram faster?

Edited by Celcius

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simple answer : YES


complex anser: depends on what multi you aer talkign about. A lower FSB-CPU mulit will force you to use a higher FSB to reach the same CPU clock and if that is your buttle neck then yes you will reach a higher ram speed, but that is only the case if your RAM can handle it.


More complex answer: ... TBA

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Your cpu has a max speed that it wont run past .I.E. my XP2500 would not go past 2.27ghz no matter what combo i used . Any combo under that would be fine . But the short of it is that a higher fsb will give you better performance and increased memory bandwidth. 225x10 will out perform 205x11 !

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Keeps the Computer stable.


Unlike your CPU that can run at several billion cycles a ssecond teh AGP/PCI busses can not. They infact can not run much out of 66Mhz 33Mhz spcec. which is a fraction of teh FSB. Like on old 100Mhz FSB machines liek mine they ran at1/3 and 2/3 teh FSB so if i overclocker to 150Mhz FSB they would be running at 50Mhz and 100 Mhz and would therefor break causign the computer to crash.


So lock them EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU OC and your computer will be happy.

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