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Call Of Duty


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My full review of CoD.





Game: Call of Duty.


Genre: First Person Shooter.


Stage: World War 2.


Pros: Intense realism, teamwork required.


Cons: AI can be less than favorable at times, AA really slowed it down.




Call of Duty is officially the BEST WW2 shooter out there. No doubt about it. In all other WW2 shooters, you're a one-man-Nazi-killing-machine. In this game, it's quite the opposite. Here, you must work with your team mates in order to survive. You must also make use of your environment as well. The AI is great. At times, it was a bit bad, but otherwise, your team mates and enemies knew what they were doing. When your enemies are close to you, they'll start butt-swiping(hitting you with the butt of their guns) you. From a distance, they'll use their guns. Your team mates do the same. In most other games, your team mates just stand there running behind you, and are programmed to just shoot at any enemies. Not in this game. In this game, you have to rely on your team mates to survive. They'll take certain paths, and you'll have to take other ones if you're not going to go with them. They'll draw fire for you, and you have to take out the machine gunner if you want to complete the mission and keep them going. Also, the game differs greatly from others in the fact that you do various missions(and this is one of the few that dosn't include Omaha Beach... but they made up for that with Stalingrad). You'll secure towns and bridges during D-Day, you'll secure Pegasus Bridge, you'll recapture Stalingrad, and take Berlin. Everything is just amazing. Also, you can't just run into a room with guns blazing and expect to clear it out. Hell no. You'll have to have your team mates with you, and you'll be using grenades before you know it. Also, you have to use enemy weapons when you run low on ammo.




Final Judgement: This game simply KICKS .. The single player is great, and very realistic. The muic also kicks . as well, as it captures the heat of the moment. The AI could be somewhat better sometimes, and voiceovers are a bit poor, but otherwise, NOTHING beats this game.




I give it a 4.5 out of 5.

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  • 2 months later...

I recieved this game for Christmas, I have now found one of my favourite things to do in the evenings is play the MP. You can find me usually in one of the open search and destroy or behind enemy lines games.


My name is the same there so just holler at me. Going to go play some now.

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COD Kicks major a$$


Doom3 kick more tho




I have to 100% disagree...Doom 3 really was a huge let down to me. wooty doo it looks pretty bu that's about it. very repititive. Anyway COD on the other hand is great, it took over the top spot that to me had been held by MOH:AA since it came out as best WWII game. of course all personal opinion but that Doom 3 thing was really not good.....Thankfully Hl2 wanst like that (btw i had not played more than an hour of the origional games from each series (ok maybe i had the origional Doom....)so i wasnt at all biased)

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I have to 100% disagree...Doom 3 really was a huge let down to me.  wooty doo it looks pretty bu that's about it.  very repititive.  Anyway COD on the other hand is great, it took over the top spot that to me had been held by MOH:AA since it came out as best WWII game.  of course all personal opinion but that Doom 3 thing was really not good.....Thankfully Hl2 wanst like that (btw i had not played more than an hour of the origional games from each series (ok maybe i had the origional Doom....)so i wasnt at all biased)



Well I agree Doom3 is nothing new except the awesome graphics

but maybe because I was around for the original and subsequent sequels I am loyal to Doom :)

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