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Until they die. :P But really, it's impossible to give a definate answer. I had a ~1 year old maxtor drive die on me, but yet I have an ~8 year old seagate that still works. The big thing is to realize when they are about to die, which is typically signalled by strange noises/clicking/etc. from the drive.

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i have two maxtors from 1998 =]


they've been put aside, dropped, etc...


a couple broke on me, i think from leaving the computer on 24/7... but they have things like SMART that tells you how your HD is doing and warns you when to replace it. If you have that feature turn it on and install the software.

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after some time of statying onf for to long harddrives have a tendency to not spin again, but thats after like 10 years, my brothers friend worked at an insurance company around y2k and when they tried booting them back up half of them died

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leaving your computer on 24/7 doesn't make your hard-drives die... your hard-drives die from abuse such as sudden impacts, out-of-spec PCI bus speed (more of a data integrity issue), overheating, and simply how many hours they have been in use...


i think both my drives have a MTBF (mean time before failure) of 100,000 hours... meaning, on average, they should have a total running lifetime of 11.4 years


i'd rather not jinx myself by saying how reliable or unreliable my own hard-drives are... :D

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