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Where Is My Order?

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Grrrr... Ok, I bought the 3500+ 90NM CPU from MonarchComputer almost a week ago and from the time that I bought it till right now the ETA time has changed more then 5 times, (15th, 18th, 19th, 21st, 27th) and now they don't think they will be getting them in till November, (just got off the phone with 3 different people from Monarch)... This really sucks... I think I'm going to clall back and tell them to just send me a 3800+ in its place because this is ridiculous...


This happened to my friend once

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Same sort of situation here. I ordered my 3500+ 90nm from Monarch last week and talked to someone yesterday. He told me they had 100 of them come in the day before (so...that would be Monday) and that I was about 45th on the list, so mine "is probably on the dock waiting to be shipped". I asked him pointedly --"So, I'm not part of some third wave or waiting for 2 weeks?" and he assured me that my order was being fulfilled and should ship in the next day. Not sure I believe it. I am tempted to give them another call after seeing the ETA change and telling them that I want mine or it's a 3200+ from Newegg for me.



UPDATE: Well, I got them on the phone and it turns out the guys was stetching the truth a bit. All the 3500+ 90nm are estimated to come in on the 27th now. He said AMD has not delivered on 4 different processors. I didn't bother to ask why he told his little fib. Making me seriously consider going for the 3200+ now at Newegg -- especially since I've seen reviews OCing this thing like crazy. Think I'll sit on it for a day.....

Edited by UWestSider

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I ordered an amd 64 3000+ from monarch on monday, I got an email that night with a fedex tracking # its scheduled to deliver tomorrow. But I'm sure they have alot more 3000+ laying around than the 3500+'s.. If they already charged you they should give you something... Monarch's processor prices are so cheap its hard to go anywhere else..

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It is up to you man get which one you want if i where going to the 3500 which i have herd hit 2.7 i would get the retail for the 3 year warranty ;) but if you want 90nm go for the 3200 I'm sure it will be a good cpu but like i said it is up to you good luck keep us posted :P

Edited by confuzzedintelguy

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