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Why Occ Is The Best


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Being a member of the OCC for a couple of months, I would like to say why I think that this place is the best overclocking/computer enthuasist forum ever. The reasons are:




1. Everyone's nicer, and the mods are strict. At other forums I've being to, the instant you post something that the popular members didn't like, you were made fun of by every member each chance they got. And of course, the popular members could post whatever they wanted without getting in trouble. Most of what they would do was spam. Of course, the mods didn't care.


2. Your questions get answered. Like I said in Reason #1, on other forums, the instant you post something the popular members don't like, no one likes you and they all go out of their way to make fun of you. And whenever you would have a question, they would just spam the thread and give you crap untill the mods saw it as spam, and closed the thread.


3. You get second chances after screwing up, and can make a comeback on your warn level if you try hard.


4. Who can beat that 1337 DNA strand and alien head?


5. Everyone here is friendly, and we don't start huge fights in debates. And when someone tries to start one, the post is quickly taken care of, and people don't use it to start other flames, etc.









Those are the five reasons of mine why the Overclockers Club is the best computer enthusiast forum to exist. Post your points, if you want.

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Well, what I like here is the mods are NOT strict, they have morals and are fair, they mod following thier guidelines and do not impliment pesonal opinion or let personal opinion influence the extent of punishment :)


and we got cool people here :D very interesting ones too

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I think that the EOCF had a Seti team as well... but to hell with them.




Another thing that's great and somewhat unique about the EOCF is the Warning Level. It gives members a chance to see what they did wrong, and keep from doing it again. Also, the reasons are logged so you can remember what you got your warnings for. I must really thank D3 for the warnings he's given me, as they've helped steer me in the right direction... somewhat.

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