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Bush Takes 11 Point Lead!


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I can't believe they let people vote when they're 18. So young. So dumb.

I take pretty big offense to that myself. Sure, im 19 but its the same thing.

Some people do mature faster than others.

I dont think he was directing it to all 18-20 year olds (whever age rangte he meant)... I think he speaks of the 18+ that just watch local news, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CSPAN, etc...


I understand that a lot of teens are more mature than others but life is not fair and i agree that the voting limit should be at least 21. I am only 16 and i consider myself mature (at least more than a lot of people my age) and i think that 18 is too young.

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The main thing when dealing with the young is whether they check out the FACTS (meaning all the facts, not just the ones that support their side) or just puke up crap pounded into them by from their parents, teachers, Jay Leno, The Comedy Channel etc...


Early in this thread Special K stated that the DNC didnt attack Bush, I think he meant in their convention...


I watched their bleeding convention and EVERY FREAKIN SPEECH followed basically the same track:


"We need to get back to the issues, we need to be above the negative campaigning the Republicans are doing, we need to be positive..."


(deep breath)


"Bush is the Devil, warmonger, liar, monster blah blah blah...."


Come on, they had Michael Moore in the presidential box with Jimmy Carter for the love of all that is liberal and anti American!


Bush is a real person, the people are seeing him for what he is, and seeing Kerry for what he REALLY is, that is why Bush is gaining in the polls.


But in the end, the only poll that matters is November 3rd.

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I can't believe they let people vote when they're 18. So young. So dumb.

I take pretty big offense to that myself. Sure, im 19 but its the same thing.

Some people do mature faster than others.



except i'm only 17. I think i'll be ready to vote when I am old enough. (If I were a year older I would be ready this year ;) )


then again, most people my age (at least in my area) have opposite political views of me, so maybe a higher voting age would be good :lol: jk

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Dont belive polls. They usally are somewhat wrong anyways. its probley more like a 4 point lead. Also there is plently of time left to november.

Polls are actually pretty accurate. Maybe when you take some college courses on Political Science, and Macro/Micro Economics, you will see how accurate polls are. Especially when their are "TWO" consecutive polls (By Liberal Papers i might add) that came with the same results.

Do not be suprised if Bush wins by a landslide.... :D


As far as the other assanine statements, I won't even begin.....


The DNC didn't attack Bush at all, that's why they didn't come out of it ahead in the polls...
Where did the RNC attack Kerry?

And ofcourse the DNC hasn't attacked Bush at all, thats what MoveOn.org is with their 80 Million dollars from George Soros. <_<


Though I think the GOP having their convention in NYC was... unnecessary.
Why are they unecessary? Last time I checked, NYC is a free city, just as any other city and state in the Union...... :blink:

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yong people are the youth of this nation, they are our tomarrow, our future.. i am the future.. as is all young people.. infact, i find yong people can eather take a more serious stance then adults or a more laied back stance than adults..


young people are far from stupid.. beleave me..

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yong people are the youth of this nation, they are our tomarrow, our future.. i am the future.. as is all young people.. infact, i find yong people can eather take a more serious stance then adults or a more laied back stance than adults..


young people are far from stupid.. beleave me..

Yea they even speak, write, and spell very well. :rolleyes:

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yong people are the youth of this nation, they are our tomarrow, our future.. i am the future.. as is all young people.. infact, i find yong people can eather take a more serious stance then adults or a more laied back stance than adults..


young people are far from stupid.. beleave me..

Yea they even speak, write, and spell very well. :rolleyes:

Ya.. and im sure you have dyslexia right, !!! ya.. I thought so.. try spelling with that.. I get spelling exemptions in school because of it.. I come from a family of spelling wizes, so what am I suppose to do??

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You dont know how much my family and everyone i know applauds your efforts for this world. Lt. Col. Patrick Buerger (my uncle) just got back from Iraq a few weeks ago. He sent me pictures and messages from Iraqi citizens and others every 2 or so weeks about how happy they were to have American help over in their country. I also admire that Kerry was a war vetran (not hero) but with that said, it makes no difference to me about his war history... it is a fact that the Swift Boat soldiers often tied water skies onto the back of the boats and had their fun which is unbecomming of a soldier... you dont hear that either do ya?

Soldiers need to have fun. Having fun is unbecoming of a soldier?? what the heck?!


Baseball was played by Civil War soldiers.

In the Gulf War, soldiers tried to get their humvees stuck in the mud, for fun.

Swift Boat sailors water skied.


Who the hell cares what soldiers do in their free time. They put their lives on the lines every other hour of the day. Let them have fun. You probably don'y even have a job, but if you did, and you went to your job every day, and never had fun, would you want to goto work in the morning? Would you want to quit?


Ask your uncle about what he did when he was off the lines, what him and his buddies did for fun.

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You dont know how much my family and everyone i know applauds your efforts for this world. Lt. Col. Patrick Buerger (my uncle) just got back from Iraq a few weeks ago. He sent me pictures and messages from Iraqi citizens and others every 2 or so weeks about how happy they were to have American help over in their country. I also admire that Kerry was a war vetran (not hero) but with that said, it makes no difference to me about his war history... it is a fact that the Swift Boat soldiers often tied water skies onto the back of the boats and had their fun which is unbecomming of a soldier... you dont hear that either do ya?

Soldiers need to have fun. Having fun is unbecoming of a soldier?? what the heck?!


Baseball was played by Civil War soldiers.

In the Gulf War, soldiers tried to get their humvees stuck in the mud, for fun.

Swift Boat sailors water skied.


Who the hell cares what soldiers do in their free time. They put their lives on the lines every other hour of the day. Let them have fun. You probably don'y even have a job, but if you did, and you went to your job every day, and never had fun, would you want to goto work in the morning? Would you want to quit?


Ask your uncle about what he did when he was off the lines, what him and his buddies did for fun.

First off, i never said soldiers are not supposed to have fun. I simply stated that you never hear those facts . If it was ok for them to do it, why did they go way out from their base so that no officers would see them?


Second, i have a job at Werner's Specialty Foods Ltd. We specialise in European food imports. I get payed 8.50 / hour and i also pay my taxes for my possesions. I work to support my family because my mother is unemployed and my father is long gone. How dare you throw slander that implies that i am immature and i dont know what i am talking about towards me! I have been working since i was 10 years old (illegally) making 10 bucks a day so i know all too well the meaning of a dollar and how important it is to work for your money and how to budget etc etc. This is also a main reason i am for Bush. He has shown me and my family that we dont have to be in the top 1% of the income scale to recieve decent tax breaks... We got our fair share and between the 2 of us, we got enough back to pay off more hten 3/4 of a credit card.


EDIT: and as for my uncle... he was too busy organizing troops and other stuff that he wouldnt mention to me to have 'free time'.


EDIT #2: I find it ammusing that you compare my job (salseman) to an AMERICAN soldier's job. I go to work and the only thing i have to worry about is being yelled at by Mr. Bossman for something... Soldier Joe here has to keep an eye out for the enemy and make sure he is able to walk back to his barracks alive every day. I hardly find those 2 comparable.... Last year in english class, we learned how to compare and contrast..... I fail to see how you can do both, lead alone one of these.

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Tax breaks is moronic when we are in a defecit. If taxes stayed the same and went into programs that lowered the cost of insurance and food, things would be better.


I was not commenting on your "immaturity", I was commenting on your age. That is not slander. Slander is newport is a craping . head because he supports bush. I did not say that, and I do not think you are a crap wit, very far from it infact.

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